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  1. #121
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Guess I could just destroy some and look! (chair) All these stepper motors will have some form of id on them. Do you know how you can tell whether they are 100 oz, 200 oz, 5 oz. What voltage would I need etc?
    I had heard years ago people were making micro CNC machines using the guts out of printers. It's good to know that maybe some components would be big enough for a basic machine.



  2. #122
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    the HPLJ3 steppers are quite good.

    this guy uses them for his monster Mills.
    (allthough i think he went upto 200oz steppers for this one in the end)

    and others use them, for the cost ( I think a paid $100 for 4 whole printers cos i dint want to do the looking)

    that and a hobby CNC board will cost you, max $250.00. Cheaper if you can be bothered to look around. But a lot of ppl use them

    As for how to tell, post pic here of the motor or its deatils. you should get something.


  3. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hi everyone / just retired and looking for a hobby.....

    cnc router's are the go I think but in-saying that there's a lot of information out there that one can get lost in.

    Firstly looking to, 2D photo's, emblems ect

    Secondly looking for a good set of plans / books]

    Can anyone help ......./.........Thanks


  4. #124
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hi Steve,

    The is a lot of info on the board, and it does take a while to sort out what you want from what you dont.

    There is plans availabe, both free and paid for. But you need to ask your self a few questions first. How bigger thing do i want to cut out and how accurate do i want to be. Last but not least, how much do I want to spend.

    Have a a look and the JGRO design over in the woodworking section.

    If you want to go bigger then there is Joe 2006 model. if you ask him nicley he will email you the plans. The problem is that you really need another router to cut the parts for joe's as it needs to be more acurate than is possable with hand tools. Also it uses 1/2" (12.7mm)MDF instead of 12mm. so you will need to find 1/2" MDF.

    What i am doing is building the JGRO design and then using that to cut parts for its self to replace the ones i stuffed, and then once i am happy with he being able to use it and design parts i will build joe's

    PM me if you want more info, its all here. take you time and remember that the people that sell stuff on this forum, like the HobbyCNC driver boards, are very good and ship from the USA too! (hint, hint. Thanks dave they are working a treat)


  5. #125
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Y'know, having just completed a little router that started out as a Zoltare http://www.rcmodels.net/cnc/index.html design and ended up as something fairly different http://www.caswa.com/finito3.jpg. I don't reckon I'd do a scratch built design again. There's just a *LOT* of work in it.. Now I appreciate that, if kitchen doors and big signs are your thing, then you don't have a lot of options.
    For my money though even something like an RF31 has 100mm of Z, about the same table movement as my router and costs peanuts....
    I guess I did learn alot by scratch building. The old adage of "Just go and buy your ballscrews and linear bearings now, you're going to buy them eventually" is perhaps the best advice I can offer.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hi all,

    I dont want to turn this into a argument, there is one guy here whos tag reads, 'Just do anything' or something like that. You get the idea.

    And what PK said is very true. A lot of people do progress to full ball screw setups.

    All i can suggest is, READ, READ, READ, it all depends on what you want to do with it. Me all i want to do with it was use it to play with my RC cars etc.
    Sure i have big plans of making things to sell and stuff but what i have learnt is that you realy have no idea what you are going to use it for when you make it.

    The learing curve is so much fun when building one of these.

    One last thing. You dont have to spend a fortune to get into this hobby, But in the end i think I am going to. its very addictive.


  7. #127
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Thanks for the reply and advis.


  8. #128
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    1234stevew and all

    If you're Melbournites, check out the recent thread re. BBQ in a couple of weekends.

    Come along and looksee if you like.

    Drat, imperfection has finally stopped working!!

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hi andy,

    I thought the Insperation nights (BBQ) were 'advertised' here, could you porvide a link to the thread please.


  10. #130
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Drat, imperfection has finally stopped working!!

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Celtichawk
    Hi all,

    Just found out there is a downunder group on here.
    Bayside Brisbane, have 7x14 lathe and CNCed micromill.

    Off to read the rest of the messages, expecting to learn something

    im from bayside brizzy too. where did you hunt down the lathe and mill? i am after something to go in the shed out the back.


  12. #132
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Sorry Andy

    I'm a Sun Shine State person a....... Townsvillian

    Thanks for the invite anyway.

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hey Guys..

    Whyalla South OZ here........

    Building router and awaiting delivery of electronics....

    God its hard to get CNC gear down this way!!!!!

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    I bet you're building out of mild steel though!

    Transformer toroids going cheap at Altronics at the moment. Mail order shouldn't be too exxy.

    Good luck

    Drat, imperfection has finally stopped working!!

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    SoanarPlus have 300W torroids for $45 GST ex. www.soanarplus.com they ship ex Sydney.

  16. #136
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hey ... andy_ck87028

    No mate, no steel,

    well cept for the sub frame / rails / x axis / y axis / z axis / table / legs ..... hmm guess all steel.. ..... Be great if I had an up and running system to plasma cut the parts..... Chicken or the egg syndrom...... But where theres a will theres a way..


  17. #137
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hi all, my name is Russell, have been reading as much as I can and building the obligitory 3 axis router for a starting project. My main motivation in going CNC WAS purely to make nice, accurate (Timber) lures to troll offshore, and while I'm sure that will be nice, the range of possibillities a CNC machine "can" do is pretty inspiring.
    I say "can" as I haven't built the thing yet, it may just as well end up being an anchor instead of making lures...
    I live in Babinda, Nth Queensland, small sugar town about 45 min south of Cairns, where I generally work.(Sparky). I agree with Mark, it would be nice to have a machine to build the machine, well I guess we all start somewhere.
    Look forward to sharing ideas in the future.


  18. #138
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Have y'all not considered asking for help?
    Quite a few of us have a few CNC machines going. I have a small router and lathe, a buddy has a bigger lathe and an NC oxy/plasma table. I know there's a contingent in melb with a fair collection of hardware. My personal interest is in drives, I've got a few stepper drives (up to 4A per phase) and am working on a servo drive. The key to making progress is collaboration.....


  19. #139
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Welcomne Russell, will be great to have you around. :cheers:
    "A Helicopter Hovers Above The Ground, Kind Of Like A Brick Doesn't"
    Greetings From Down Under
    Dave Drain
    Akela Australia Pty. Ltd.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  20. #140
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Just found this site yesterday looks good .I am working in rowville Melb.We have just Brought a cnc mill so I am getting back to using cnc's after about 15 years.

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