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  1. #141
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    Websrvr, I understand. It is such a disappointment that others haven't put in enough time and effort to design the schematic, write the CPLD code, produce the PCB layout for a ready to to manufacture 10ustep drive. How inconsiderate of all these people!

    Mariss from Gecko drive put the schematic and cpld code into the public domain so that those who want to learn about CPLDs, and how to use them in stepper drives, could do so.

    If you want a 10ustep stepper drive either;

    But please don't put peoples efforts down just because what they are achieving does not suit you. They are not doing it for you! they are doing it for themselves.
    Homann Designs - http://www.homanndesigns.com/store

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    Quote Originally Posted by phomann View Post
    Websrvr, I understand. It is such a disappointment that others haven't put in enough time and effort to design the schematic, write the CPLD code, produce the PCB layout for a ready to to manufacture 10ustep drive. How inconsiderate of all these people!

    Mariss from Gecko drive put the schematic and cpld code into the public domain so that those who want to learn about CPLDs, and how to use them in stepper drives, could do so.

    If you want a 10ustep stepper drive either;

    But please don't put peoples efforts down just because what they are achieving does not suit you. They are not doing it for you! they are doing it for themselves.
    I have no interest in Mariss or the G251X when it's not a usable solution.

    Put peoples efforts down???

    What efforts are you talking about???

    If you mean efforts in the way of pictures that are useless from a development standpoint then yes, someone made an effort to upload a picture but don't think for one minute that any useful or beneficial contribution has been provided because their aren't any.

    You are utterly amazing to think this is in any way a private project for one persons amusement, maybe you should tell the powers here this thread is in the wrong location and that they need to move this thread to a more appropriate place immediately since it is posted in the open source forum and according to you it's a private project.


    I think you need to back the truck up and get a grip on reality cause clearly you can't see the forest through the trees when you think that this project has something useful in the way of CPLD code, schematic or board layout files and if you would open your eyes you would realize this is the real problem!!!!!!!!

    How can YOU really be so naive to think I am demanding something from an open source project that should be available because it's an open source project?

    If it's not an open source project then they shouldn't be posting in the open source forum, makes good common sense.

    If you are going to post upgrades and progress in the way of pictures in an open source project then the work should also be posted as part of the open source project, if it was for private use then the posts should not have been made as part of the open source project, also more common sense.

    This project is about a 10 microstep bipolar stepper drive, people like tivoidethuong are actively developing and enhancing the project as noted by the pictures they post but no one else can join in and contribute because no one doing any of the developing is sharing their work so who can this be considered open-source????

    Basically you are saying that anyone interested in joining this project first needs to go DESIGN their own PCB and produce their own CPLD code then come here and contribute the works to this project.

    I can certainly do this without any issues and I can even follow the footsteps of developers like tivoidethuong and post pictures of boards I create for the purpose of development without actually contributing anything useful to the project in the way of CPLD or PFGA code, schematics or PCB layout files.

    I shouldn't have to ask but I have repeatedly asked tivoidethuong nicely for his files but I'm sensing a language barrier which prevents him from comprehending that he should share all his stuff related to this project, pictures are useless from a development aspect and since it's an open-source project no one should have to beg for the files to join in.
    It's an open-source project which has had some significant improvements according to tivoidethuong's remarks with some future potential improvements in a change of the FPGA in the works but nothing that can be substantiated when the only person who has the files is tivoidethuong and he isn't sharing them.

    Based on your response, clearly this project is a waste of time when you think I am putting someone down, nothing beneficial will come from it as long as no one is sharing, realistically the project should be closed, even the OP has abandoned it and every now and again someone takes it up and makes a little progress and posts a few pictures but refuses to offer any of the work and in more than five years this project has gone nowhere for this very reason, yes, this project is the perfect epitome of open source if I ever saw it...

    Now I understand why many quickly scan a project for contributions and works to determine if there is sufficient work to join a project or it's just a waste of time, I thought this project was it but since those who are currently developing are greedy selfish people who are not sharing it would be impossible for this project to produce any usable product and a waste of time for anyone to think they can join and help it along.

    If you are part of an open source project then it should be automatic and mandatory that you willingly share your contributions because it's what open source is all about and no one should have to chase you down and ask you to cough up the stuff.

    RWS (and anyone else interested), I think you should look for another 10 microstep driver project, this one will never amount to anything, it lack leadership and no developer is sharing any work and starting from scratch would require considerable development time and not something I or anyone else would be willing to provide, while tivoidethuong has a good grasp on the fundamentals, he's not dependable as a developer in an open source project when he fails to contribute his work and the little bit of stuff contributed from others is insufficient to provide a working solution and if no developer undertakes a leadership position and contributions are posted it's nothing more than a waste of time to think it could amount to anything...

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    When I started the thread, my motivation was to share knowledge and to encourage others to proceed. The CPLD code worked well enough for a basic driver. I don't think there is a compelling need for improvements. My only complaint is that it produces a slight hiss when idling. That is probably caused by the lack of a ground plane.

    This is not a project with widespread interest. That is why there is little interest to turn it into a production ready project or a small scale commercial product. The $10 tb6600 works well enough for most home users. Business users can easily justify buying the higher cost drivers.

    I didn't go beyond building one prototype because I moved to a DSP based design to experiment with resonance damping and closed loop control. It was mainly for fun because the tb6600 worked well enough on my sx3 mill.

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    i was try with H500 verilog code with emp240, it work well

    EPM240 evelution board i was use
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CPLD_EPM240.jpg 
Views:	4 
Size:	317.4 KB 
ID:	350646
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    Quote Originally Posted by tivoidethuong View Post
    i was try with H500 verilog code with emp240, it work well

    EPM240 evelution board i was use
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CPLD_EPM240.jpg 
Views:	4 
Size:	317.4 KB 
ID:	350646
    Working from a dev-board is a good starting place as you can move pins around easier than remaking a PCB.

    Do you have a working driver with good results or just getting the code working on the dev-board?

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    Quote Originally Posted by websrvr View Post
    Working from a dev-board is a good starting place as you can move pins around easier than remaking a PCB.

    Do you have a working driver with good results or just getting the code working on the dev-board?
    code work well, i dont have time to finish layout

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    to websrvr
    point 2 point test, I have not started layout yet

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_4612.jpg 
Views:	2 
Size:	359.5 KB 
ID:	363000

  8. #148
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: 6amp 60v 10 microstep bipolar drive

    this is a quick drawring EMP240
    i believe it works well with the H bridge in previous topic
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails epm240 step drive.png  
    Attached Files Attached Files

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