With CNC wood router, you could convert the design into patterns.
CNC sofware, such as Corel Draw, Solidworks, MasterCAM, Type3, Enroute etc could create and edit program file. Most of these software support format of IGES, DXF etc.
Using cnc wood router could let you unattend when it is working. With cnc router, if the program is with smaller size, you could command cnc wood router to cut or engrave to material for severa pcs of program work on one large processing material. If you do batch work, suggest you use cnc wood router with more spindles, in this way, the cnc router could work on the same program for at least 2 pcs, improve the working efficiency, saving time. And you may also use cnc wood router with single spindle to cut or engrave sveral same plaques on one large piece material, then cut into individual plaques.
Let us know if you are not clear what kind of cnc wood router is more suitable for your work.