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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Fadal > Fadal keyboard and downloading programs
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Fadal keyboard and downloading programs

    Yesterday I had a few problems running my 1990 4020. When I powered it up I was haveing problems with the keys on the keyboard not printing on the monitor. I could hit them several times and they would usually get there. When I tried to download a program to the machine, the machine would just sit there and not recieve the program. After making sure I had the right parameters then moving the connectors I got it to take the program. It took the program after I moved the connections and restarted the machine. I assumed I had a bad connection, but the keyboard would alot better after restarting several times. I ran the program then had an 1 1/2 hour delay with the machine just sitting. When I came back I needed to load another program. Again the keyboard was not correct and the program would not download. Move the connections and restart, but still no download. I opened the control cabnet and it was warm. All of the fans were running, but I thought I would leave the door open and restart the machine. After this the program downloaded.
    Any suggestions?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    A couple of years ago my 1990 4020 did the same thing. First it was a stubborn "X" key, then progressively other keys quit working. I eventually had to replace the keyboard. I don't recall how much it cost for the parts, but I changed it myself in about 30 minutes.

    Good luck with your 4020. Mine has served me well for the last 7 years.


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