Hello to all,
It is my first post in this forum and I hope together to became an expert in stepper motor.
I am working in the automation of a process and I am using an old stepper that I found out in an old box from my University's laboratory. These are the informations writen in the motor.

Astrosyn Miniangle Stepper
Type 23PM-C406, Nº 33631
4.3 V/Phase, 1.9 A/Phase, 1.8 Deg/Step,

In my research, I split the problem in 2. The first is the build of the control, using microcontroller wich I had alredy done. The second part is what brought me here, how to build the power drive.

I was wondering if you guys could give me an orientation about an electronic schematic specific for this motor.

I thank you in advance,
