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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > EdgeCam > select multiple geometry for profiling
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    select multiple geometry for profiling

    I select the lines first

    the start points want to be here for some reason

    so I change them to here

    then after inputting needed data, this is what I get

    WTF is going on here?
    Am I supposed to be able to select multiple lines for a profiling operation or not?
    do I have to create a profiling operation for each of the 50 lines Im trying to cut here?
    If you can't tell, Im trying to rough off the corners of a square block that will become round
    simple enough, right?

    Im a newb with this program so take it easy on me
    and thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The arrows are showing you a climb cut on the geometry you selected. Each toolpath is trying to avoid violating the previous toolpath. That's my guess for the crazy output.

    Are you trying to rough off the outside? Your doing it the hard way.
    Can I suggest...

    Mike Mattera
    Tips For Manufacturing Training CD's, DVD's for Mastercam, SolidWorks, Inventor, G-Code Training & More

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Look, I hope nobody feels they'll undercut Mike's sales pitch by chiming in with a little help on this.

    I know I'm doing it the hard way, but Im stuck with the hard way since my license level is entry milling.
    I got close by using a roughing operation and applying stock and boundary but I haven't got the toolpath to be as efficient as I can with multiple profiling ops, and even though I select climb for the roughing cycle, it still makes conventional cuts in some places.

    I want to climb cut each pass then retract and rapid back to climb cut the next, and make all the passes for each corner before moving on to the next corner.

    I just thought I would be able to select multiple chains for a single profile operation like I could in BobCAD.
    Or can I "copy" or "translate" a profile op and apply it to the next chain?
    the parameters for each of these 50 cuts are all the same.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I hope no one feels that way either. If someone has a solution, they should offer it.

    If I had a better solution I would offer it myself. With the Entry package your VERY limited.

    The Roughing toolpath would remove all of that material just like your trying to do with all of those contours.

    What happens if you pick every 5th contour (leaving space between)? does that work at all?
    Tips For Manufacturing Training CD's, DVD's for Mastercam, SolidWorks, Inventor, G-Code Training & More

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    thanks mike!

    you're on to something there, this is what happens:

    This is exactly what I'm trying to do, I don't understand why the proximity matters though, is this normal?
    The cycle seems to randomly choose the order in which the chains are cut, which is dissapointing

    I got the roughing op to do almost the same thing but I don't understand why it violates the cut setting

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    EdgeCAM is detecting spaces betwean lines and look at tool width , the only way i know to do it the hard way is groves , try it, but remember it moves at the center of tool.
    I still don`t understand way you do not use rough operation ?
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I don't know what you mean

    The roughing cycle does things I don't quite understand yet, like cut conventional some places even though I selected climb in the cycle parameters.

    It's only doing it at the very tip of the corners now, and I can live with that, but it was worse when I got started and I don't know what changed other than the stepover percentage.
    I noticed it didn't do it in the vid you put up, do you know why?

    I'm going to use this cycle, its far superior to the way I was doing it in BobCAD, and the way I started trying to do it in EdgeCAM so I'm anxious to get a full understanding of why it does what it does and how to use it efficiently.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I know what you meant , but I do not know the answer , sometimes it makes those moves in my roughing too. I`m a EC user since ver.6.5 , and recently I upgraded my to v12.5 , I have entry milling license too , you can write to me if you have any problems, maybe I`ll know the answer.

    I do not know the exacly english name for "groves" find the cycle with the same icon
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Clipboard01.png  

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pit202 View Post
    I know what you meant , but I do not know the answer , sometimes it makes those moves in my roughing too. I`m a EC user since ver.6.5 , and recently I upgraded my to v12.5 , I have entry milling license too , you can write to me if you have any problems, maybe I`ll know the answer.

    I do not know the exacly english name for "groves" find the cycle with the same icon
    slot mill is the icon i think

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i have the full blown package so i dont know what you don't have.
    i assume your profile box does not have multiple passes option with the start offset and offset increment becuase that would fix your problem by using the offset and increment with a boundry as the outside shape.

    you can use the slot mill cycle but your tool will run centerline of the geometry.

    you could just set up a profile for each line as you step in, no one says you can only use one cycle.

    a screen shot of the profile box options you have with your license might help

    the translate option would only work on the same geometry at different depths i think.

    play with the roughing cycle some and just tweak your options to see what difference if makes, you should be able to make that one work for you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    i agree with timf posting. for discrete control of toolpath centerline, use the slotting function. for multiple depths, do M98 Pxxxx Ln macro. makes for very short code and easy to fix.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    you are programming wrong (per edgecam)... you are purposely using the software differant from the way it was designed.... if you practice strange mysterious methods.... you will get strange and mysterious results....use roughing

    and you are right edgecam does add a ton of silly little moves that make the roughing cycle take longer than it should... i cant stand it either.

    does the entry level allow for multiple passes in the 'profiling' cycle .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    does the entry level allow for multiple passes in the 'profiling' cycle .
    no , he doesn`t

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