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  1. #1

    Alternative energy sources.

    Hey everyone,just want to throw this out there and see what your thoughts are. I am doing some fabrication work for a friend who is building a small wind generator. You can check it out at www.altwindpower.com there is a new forum there also to discuss all kind of things as well. Anyway I just want to know if anyone is using wind or solar energy? If so how are you using it? Main power, as backup, in addition to your regular grid power, etc. I hate it when its time to pay the power and heating bills and don't have money left over to invest in other things,like tools. I think more and more people are looking into alternative energy sources. Thanks for your reply.
    www.bluechipfab.com or www.myspace.com/bluechipfab

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    My wife and I will be building a straw bale home soon and I hope to experiment with this for my heat and hydro source.
    Should be fun


    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh_-DUKQ4Uw&feature=related"]YouTube - FUELLESS HEATER NO FUEL NO GAS NO WOOD NO GREEN HOUSE GASES[/ame]

  3. #3
    People saying that "overunitity" is not possible, is like saying that more power went into making a nucular bomb then what you get out, Just a thought. There is lots of crap ideas out there for power generation. Solar is better then wind for the most part and both are becoming mainstream. There are to many problems to say that either are a good idea, both are crap ideas at this point in time. And will take on average 30 years to start to recieve any benifits from these devices due to retail values, by that time they will have a better why of selling power to the masses. And you will have wasted your money, which is the way they like it. If they would just stop crushing guys that think like this steam video guy we would all be better off. And I think more people should be thinking like the manufacturer of this waterhammer. Dont buy wind unless your rich and have a really really good spot for the turbine. Just my thought's.

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