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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Recieving data

    Howdy folks,

    I have linked my Fanuk oi-model c/oi Mate Model c to my pc using an rs cable.

    Using cimco edit I am able to recieve files from the control to the pc nicely.

    When I try to send files from the pc to the lathe, cimco reports file sent, but It does not make it to the control.

    I noticed that cimco is saving the files as .ncl I tried saving as .nc and sending back but got the same results.

    I'm thinking there is a parameter setting that I have wrong for recieving files on the control.............

    All help is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    So yeah,

    The control punches to cimco fine.

    For read

    cimco says it sent the transmission for sending.......

    LSK continues to flash saying it is waiting on the data................


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Are you using a USB to Serial adapter? These can give problems.

    How is your "rs" cable wired? Sounds like possibly a broken wire/connection.

    Have you used this pc and cable to communicate to other machines?

    Have you tried sending the same program BACK that you received?

    How are your parameters set on each end?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dcoupar View Post
    Are you using a USB to Serial adapter? These can give problems.

    How is your "rs" cable wired? Sounds like possibly a broken wire/connection.

    Have you used this pc and cable to communicate to other machines?

    Have you tried sending the same program BACK that you received?

    How are your parameters set on each end?
    I am using a usb adapter because the port at com1 was not working at all.

    We used an adapter from another machine and saw that we could transfer using it....one direction...so we ordered one for my machine thinking it was a setting that I could figure out on the control.

    No such luck yet.

    RS Cable is brand new.....ordered it through the company that sold us the machine........over a year ago........I have been programming from the control which I've become very proficient at...But programming from a PC is nice.

    yes I have tried sending the same program back. I tried changing the file type from .ncl to .nc

    Still may look at that a little because cimco was recieving .ncl and I chaged it .nc but not sure what that accomplishes.

    Maybe I'll try your Idea about sending data with another machine with the same adapter......we have one set up this way on a mill and I can move the cable over there and see how it acts....thanks for the advice.

    Yeah I'll try that in the morning.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    The file extension isn't important. It could be .txt, .nc, .ncc, etc., the control doesn't look at the extension. What's important is that it's a text file containing valid G-code. You should be able to open and edit it in Windows Notepad or some other text editor (such as CIMCO).

    The program should look something like:


    I believe the LSK blinks until the control receives the first EOB character(s), so if it never stops blinking, it never received anything. If you have a meter, you can check for continuity on the cable pins. A 9-25 cable should be wired pins 2-2, and 3-3. A 25-25 cable should be wired 2-3, and 3-2. Or, for about $15 you can get a 25-pin RS-232 tester that has LED's that blink when data is flowing.

    I have had problems with USB to Serial adapters. If your PC has a PCMCIA slot, you can get a PCMCIA Serial such as the Quatech SSP-100 (one port) or DSP-100 (two ports). They're not cheap, but they work.

    Also, if your machine has a card slot on the front of the control, you could transfer programs via a PCMCIA Compact Flash card. The downside of this method is you must have a PCMCIA slot or Compact Flash slot on your PC, and I've run into cases where the connector on the front of the control goes bad after inserting/removing the card a number of times.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Well this morning I got data to flow from another pc......it seems that the settings in cimco are part of my problem.

    Hooked back up to my pc and transfered a program first try from pc to control..........but then the recieving back to the pc was comming back wrong...........

    The cable is 30 feet I wonder if that could be part of the problem?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    30 feet shouldn't be a problem. When you say "comming back wrong..." what exactly is wrong?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dcoupar View Post
    30 feet shouldn't be a problem. When you say "comming back wrong..." what exactly is wrong?
    Partial program with

    in some lines.

    I think I have some settings wrong in cimco, but I am having trouble getting the time to work on it.

    I hit the bottons a little here and there when I have the time. Getting my pc online with the control is not priority.

    Thanks for your help,

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