These are the steps.

When you are feeling the feeling that you would like to let go of ask yourself -

1) Could I accept this feeling? Yes or No
2) Would I accept this feeling? Yes or No
3) Could I let this feeling go? Yes or No
4) Would I let this feeling go? Yes or No
5) When?

A variation of this is to imagine that the feeling is like a bubble and see if you can pop the bubble. Remeber when you were a kid and you would poke a bubble? When you poked the bubble deeply it popped. The deeper you dive into a feeling the more chance of it popping!! So --

1) Could I dive deeper into this feeling? Yes or No
2) Would I dive deeper into this feeling? Yes or No
3) Could I let this feeling go? Yes or No
4) Would I let this feeling go? Yes or No
5) When?