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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > CamSoft Products > Attempting to Upgrade Computer any help would be appriciated.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Question Attempting to Upgrade Computer any help would be appriciated.

    I have a "Tangent Blade"/scroll saw/contour saw 3 axis machine I have been tasked with fixing. It is controlled by a 2011 Dell Inspiron PC, with an Intel Celeron CPU, on a windows 7 32-bit operating system, running Camsoft CNC software.

    The issue is the computer crashes frequently sometimes while idle, sometimes in the middle of a running program. My best guess is the CPU is the problem because when running the software, the CPU is at 100% use (according to Task Manager), although the machine and computer have run for years without much issue until recently.

    I have cleaned out the computer of dust, I upgraded the ram (there was room), I have deleted all software other than the bare essentials and the Camsoft software. I have disabled anything unnecessary from running in the background. None of these solutions have worked.

    I thought maybe a more powerful CPU could work, I grabbed a Windows 7 PC with an I5 CPU, Put the GALIL Chip in it, Put the Hard Drive from the other computer into it. Plugged in the two access USB's. With this new arrangement I have no crashing and the software runs however now the Saw does not seem to be receiving any communication from the computer. The specific error code I get is "Galil Error:-2 22 Begin not possible due to limit switch". Essentially meaning the software thinks the limit switch has been triggered which is not the case.

    Anyone know why this would be the case?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Attempting to Upgrade Computer any help would be appriciated.

    Have you tried changing the limit switch from High Normal to Low?
    Andrew Werby

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Attempting to Upgrade Computer any help would be appriciated.

    That error would indicate that there is communication with the Galil.

    I don't have any experience with CamSoft, but about 25 years experience with Galil products.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Attempting to Upgrade Computer any help would be appriciated.

    let's look for the simple stupid stuff first.

    Open your diagnostic window. The first several squares are the limit switches. if the installer did a good job, you can hover the mouse over each square and a tiny window will pop with the description.Look especially at any that are lighted - if the installer did a good job at lighted one means that switch is made. See if you can clear it by moving the switch, you might just have a stuck one or maybe a broken wire. double check the function of the other switches - just push them in.

    This all assumes you backed up your .cbk and restored the exact same one on the new computer. If that's the case, software does not break like this. its mechanical electrical.

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