I am new to all this, but have been tasked to create a precise as possible hole in ceramic substrate. Trepanning seems to be the answer, but our machine does not support a spiraling pattern.

I can Arc in and Arc out or a hole. What would be the best method to do this. Currently the machine leaves a bit of material in the hole. when I use this code. This seems to cause the vision alignment software be off slightly due to the hole centering being slightly different every time.

G00 X3.5186 Y.1339
M96 (Laser ON)
G03 X3.5226 Y.1339 I.002 J0
G03 X3.5226 Y.1339 I-.0095 J0
G03 X3.5186 Y.1339 I-.002 J0
M97 (Laser OFF)

Any suggestions would be most appeciated. Our laser is a preco and it uses the ProCam 2D software.