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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > CNC Machine Related Electronics > Need help with contoller drive board with parallel conection for the STK672-050 IC
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Need help with contoller drive board with parallel conection for the STK672-050 IC

    I am trying to make a simple driver board with a few IC chips that I have, STK672-050 but I don't know how to wire up pins from the parallel port to controller.
    CLK = STEP
    CWB= DIR
    I need help with the other pins, what pins due I use for 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 step setting and how to set them up.
    I'm trying to make one for three axis on one board.

    Here i datasheet of my chip: http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/data...STK672-050.pdf

    Can anyone help me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Lightbulb Just got mine to work!

    Hey I got the thing to work! Just finished it up last night. Unfortunately the damn thing stutters a lot. Partly because I'm using a do loop in visual basic to pulse the clk signal. Since it has to be a set pulse width, (doesn't work just by sending any ol' pulse at any ol' time :nono: ) Visual basic doesn't have a high enough timing resolution (or priority) to stay in step with the controller. I also am wondering if maybe the signal just isn't strong enough, 24ma being pulsed can probably come out less then 15 or maybe not even hit 10. :stickpoke So i'm going to try a little transistor amplification on the signals (I know an optoisolator is probably better, but I'm up at night and radio shack isn't ha ha.) Anyways, still have some experimenting to do, but I'll leave you with this; http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nag_45poti/4025551.html . It's in japanese, but the pictures are worth way more than the jibberish he wrote to go along with it (translate it through google, you'll see what I mean) So between the datasheet and these pictures, I was able to get mine goin'! Hope this helps!


    P.S. STK672-050 (Now we all know what I'm talkin about ha ha!)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    thanks for the reply Chris

    I have the same pictures from that same Japanese site but I don't know the values for the resistors, capacitors and the two IC on the breakout board do you?

    Do the IC's need to be programmed?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Tell you the truth, I decided to skip his breakout board. I'm sure it's useful, but with out an explanation it'd be hard to replicate. The resistors are probably there to keep the signal on the breakout board from sending to much amperage to the STK672050. If you happen to know how much amperage the STK672050 can handle for the inputs, AND you know the voltage of the signal, you should be able to calculate it. Say you only want the signal to hit 10ma at the max and your signal is running at 5v, divide 5 volts by .01 amps and you get 500 ohms of resistance. Then taking the 500 ohms, subract the rest of the resistance from the STK672050 (input pin to SG, M1-M5 are 8 ohms) and any other resistance that is serial with that line. So 5v/.01a = 500ohms - 8ohms = 492 ohm resistor, or around there. Ha ha this is only what I would assume to do. I'm thinking as long as I stay under 50ma per signal to the chip I'll be safe. Probably better keep it at around 25. I do know that the stk672050 responds alright to the 24ma at 5v straight from the parallel port. Just don't short an input to a 5v source; 5v/8ohms = .625a, that will probably make it run really hot... And as far as programming the IC, are you talking about the STK672050 or some other chip? The STK doesn't need to be programmed, but you do need a pulsing signal and ways to control it's functions. I just hooked the parallel port right up to it (in an orderly fashion of course) and ran a program from VB to send the electrical pulse and control the inputs. Anyways this is gettin' long :drowning: ha ha! Have fun!


    P.S. Sorry ha ha, the "IC's" don't need programming. They should only be there to condition and isolate the signals from the parallel port. They don't really control anything I don't think. Some one else know exactly what they could be?

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