My first time with Mach3. Running on one of those TB6560 boards. After some
playing around, research and signal tracing I've got all the X, Y and Z Motor
Outputs sorted out. The documentation that came with my board was all wrong and
the information I'd found on the web for pin assignments was either partially or
totally wrong. Frustrating but I finally got the X, Y and Z axis motors using
either the manual jog or the arrow keys from the motor setup screen.

However when I try to run G Code from Mach 3 once the axis motors all move to
zero position (assuming I'd jogged them out of zero) the X axis is disabled
until the code run is completed. The Z and Y axis move OK under program control
but not the X.

To put it another way before I run the code all three axis
motors are locked/hold. I start the run and all three axis motors will return to
zero if they're not already at zero. When the code starts running the Z and Y
move as expected, the X drive is disabled and the stepper just turns freely. When the
code completes all three motors are relocked/hold, including the X axis.

My TB6560 has the three axis led that seem to work fine and indicate step pulses on the X, Y and Z as expected.
I watched the signal levels coming into the driver board over the parallel cable and I can see the enable for the X drive drop when Mach 3 actually starts tracing the path on screen and stepping the X axis. I'm just tracing out a simple capital "T" at a slow speed so I can check all the Mach 3 output signals and everything, except the X axis enable when it's running the gcode looks fine.

So why does my X work fine using the Mach3 manual controls
but not when running G code? I'm getting to the point where I want to just jumper the Y enable to the X enable but I'd rather correct the real issue.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
