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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Climate Change.......Phoey!!!

    Lets get real here KIDS, The Big Question "IS MAN CAUSING CLIMATE CHANGE"?
    The earth has gone thru many climate changes in its 10,000 year history (Unless your an evolution clown then its BILLIONS AND BILLIONS)
    Anyway the last Ice age we came out of was oh lets just say 5,000 years ago. I find it hard to believe that at the time there were enough gas guzzling cars here to really effect that kind of change. My guess would be maybe a few hundred, and after watching Fred and Barny drive I have to say that them feet turning a mile a second, In my book wont generate much toxic waste except for the occasional fart.
    So climate change is it real................Sure it is it is changing all the time. Can man affect it.......................You would have to a long haird pot smoking hippie to think he could. But hey lets ban everything just incase

    PS. Reform long haird pot smoking hippie(And an ocasinal shroom or two)

    Try rahab it worked for me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Next thing they'll be telling us, is that private gun ownership is responsible for climate change.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Even thinking about global change causes 1 degree rise in the average ocean temperature. S' true.. I read it on the back of a beer mat.
    I love deadlines- I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Personally, and IMHO (I dont wish to make enemies), I think that is reckless way to go about analyzing climate change. Scientific observation should be seperated from politics; climate change is not a policy issue.

    Yes, it is true that the earth's climate changes on its own due to many factors - including water vapor, solar output (not controlled by man), orbit patterns (also not in our control), lunar patterns, and plate techtonics (yes, the same plates that cause earthquakes).

    But - the most significant factor in earth's climate is atmosphere composition. There are obvoiusly many independent factors that control this, from volcanic activity, to plant life. However - using the fact that the atmosphere can change on its own to draw a conclusion that it cant change due to human activity is simply laziness. There is ample, ample data to support the fact that human CO2 emissions have, in fact, created an atmosphere that is not what it was before the industrial revolution. This isn't hippie propoganda, it's hard science - the fact that this issue has become so wrapped up in politics is unfortunate. It shouldn't be so difficult for humans to agree on something we all do.

    -a short haired, smoke free hippie engineering student

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Let's put it in my perspective. Will CO2 trap solar heat, yes a little. Water vapor, methane, ozone friendly gases, do a lot more. I don't believe CO2 is the main culprit. I think warming is natural, just like the cooling in the 70's, and the warming that started back 120 years ago, and the much warmer period 1000 years ago, and the ice age 50,000 years ago, and the hundreds of cooling and heat trends that have happened since then.

    The great unwashed masses like a good story of gloom and doom. Global warming will be bad, global cooling would be much much much worse. We happen to be lucky enough to live in a warming period.

    I really think that changes in land cover, city, deforestation, erosion into water bodies, forest fires, and dark particles from plowing and everything we humans move around is going to end up being the biggest single factor.

    But, it's not sexy, or liable. So, Al Gore needs to be president of the universe, so he's spinning a yarn that scares the little children more than a promise of eternal damnation. Welcome to the next new religion. You just have to believe. Have Faith in Gore.

  6. #6
    who are the spokes people in North America , Gore and the radical without a cause David Susuki
    with no documented proof Suzuki foundation had raised a huge stink here, farmed salmon in BC were breeding grounds for sea lice and the impact on our wild fish stocks will be catastrophic and blah blah blah , green peace had even spoke up and attacked suzuki about the subject , since the global warming bomb i have not read or heard anything about sea lice and the destruction of our stocks , dave's finally found a cause he will be recognized for ,
    i'm surprised he hasn t tryed to link the lice farm fish and global warming together YET!
    suzuki nor gore are scientists , yet they are speading their gospel , they were here a number of weeks back , if i recall properly the tickets to see them were 500 bucks a ticket , donate to the cause i suppose
    why wouldn t they speak in a park for free to the common man who is being blamed and will be taxed heavily over this , is this not an important message for everyone to hear or do the blue collar slugs not matter

    its clear something is happening ,is it our fault or is it nature ,i don t know .
    what i do know is global warming needs to ditch those two self serving idiots

    george carlon is a basket case but sometimes what he says make sense like in the following link

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Here's an interesting read. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gre...arming_Swindle I actually saw the Great Global Warming Swindle and the Tony Jones show challenging Durkins claims. Without having knowledge of scientists disputing and challenging Durkins claims and highlighting the flaws it would be very easy to be led to beleive that the whole global warming issue is a scam.
    The whole thing is like scientist who claim smoking is not harmful to your health, obviously there are vested interests (funding by tobacco companies) in such cases.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    We got about 100 years left as a species on this planet. After that, life for humans will be like a bad sci-fi movie. We'll be living like little rats in holes, we'll only come out at night due to the heat. There won't be any food or water left. The fish will all be dead. Livestock won't be available to the poor who will number in the tens of billion by then. All the natural resources will be gone or polluted to the point of fatal toxicity to humans. Roving hordes of cannibals will be the last humans to live on earth, or at all really, where else will we go? Ohhhhh, looky my huge novelty check from liberal billionaire George Soros just arrived. I'm off to take away your guns!

    I won't get political here. Global Warming is real. AND, so is evolution. Why discuss that here? Isn't there some sort of CONservative blog membership that you've attained for this sort of discussion?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by dang View Post
    I have rocks in my backyard older than 10,000 years. I can prove it, you can't disprove it. End of story.

    proove it without a reasonable doubt

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, you got me. I'm a liberal mouthpiece. And now I've been exposed. Darn you!(wrong)

  11. #11
    [QUOTE=dang;356619] I'm a liberal mouthpieceQUOTE]

    no worse than i am ,except i wouldn t clasify myself as liberal

    i have a hard time beleaving everything i am told because science dictates it , science is based on theories that have been proven or need to be prooven, or disprooven , scientists all want to be recognized for the new big find , many spend a lifetime trying to proove their theory , the measurement of time of this planet in itself is a theory ,an educated one but none the less theory

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The word theory is very often misused. Gravity is a theory, although we can measure it, we can be certain of it's existence, it's still a theory.
    Evolution is a theory, although it's been proven to a certain extent, and much of cutting edge medical science, like genetics, is based on, and backs up the "theory" of evolution, it's still a theory.
    A theory is something which isn't understood from stem to stern, like most things. Humans are stupid, we understand almost nothing, so everything is theoretical. But climate change is real, and it ain't about religion or political thought or any of that. In short, just because something is labeled a theory, doesn't mean that it's wrong, only incomplete. ALL legitimate science agrees that global warming is happening and immediately threatens the existence of ALL life on earth. We just don't understand every nook and cranny of it. We'll understand it better when we're all dead.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    By the by, a little factoid on the actual effect of climate change is that the extinction rate of ALL species, plant and animal is currently 1000 times what it has been during the last century.
    They're at this moment growing wine grapes in western Canada because the climate has CHANGED to allow them to do so.
    Recent reports state that fish are dying in record numbers due to carbon levels in the oceans.
    Coral is being bleached at rates never before measured by mankind, which is in turn making coral uninhabitable for sea life.
    The proof is all around you, it's our fault. No amount of disagreement can change this unassailable FACT.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Climate change is real!
    Can you honestly say that the air in every major city is clean?
    Can you honestly say that lakes and rivers is not getting affected by fertilizer?
    Can you honestly say that light poisoning has no affect on any part of nature?
    No creatures are getting extinct because of us right?

    Just because "global warming" happens naturally does not mean that we change the nature in any way. And if you change nature you change climate.
    It is known that the heat of a city has changed the climate locally so thunder strikes there more often. Can't remember the city though.

    Or does the polar icecaps have to melt before you call it a change?

    And even tho I think global warming is a pos it have forced people to evolve technology forward and give us more efficient equipment.

    On the flip side a lot of crap has come out of it. And I have a lot not so nice things to say about it but I won't. Instead I choose to make the best of it. Or maybe not. I usually 'politely disagree' about it. Not healthy I know but I can't help it.

    BTW one thing I find funny. When they could no longer prove that there was a "global warming" that where caused by humans they suddenly started calling is "climate change".

    BTW2 I don't expect half of what I'm saying to come out right or even understood. I just can't justify writing any more into a reply that won't make a difference. Not on global scale or on a smaller level. And convincing people that I'm right wont do a lot ether. Especially when people don't even know what they debate about. And people debating won't go anywhere ether. So in the end I wright this only for myself. Which was stupid on itself as it did not cheer me up. Only made me tired. Maybe I should set up a blog writing up useless posts. But then again no one would care. Thus back at square one. Maybe I should stop now and do something better with my time. It's not like I will get any of it back at this point though. All in all have I wasted valuable energy writing a post that server no purpose. Man I feel cheated.
    Have a nice day!
    Yep, that kind word to all of you probably justified the energy this post took to wright. However did it justify the energy to reed it?
    Well I hope you got a warm feeling inside as that would help out a little bit on the heating bill.
    And maybe the friction when you had to scroll through it.
    Maybe I should have thrown this post away but that would have been even more wasteful. Or maybe not. Anyway now we will never know.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by dang View Post
    , just because something is labeled a theory, doesn't mean that it's wrong, only incomplete. ALL legitimate science agrees that global warming is happening .
    if its labeled a theory it means it has not been prooven , its an idea ,
    who decided that legit scientists agree with global warming when so many scientists have turned their backs to it

    reguardless of what people beleave Canada does not and has not been in snow and ice 12 months of the year since the ice age , the climate here allows for a number of fruits and vegetables to be harvested and its not due to the new global warming because we've been harvesting well before global warming

    people are getting pollution confused with global warming is there fertilizer in the water , yes , is there and always will be pcb's in every living thing yes , does that contribute to global warming , i doubt it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dertsap View Post
    who decided that legit scientists agree with global warming when so many scientists have turned their backs to it
    Please name one legitimate group of scientists who have turned their backs on climate change research.

    Also, it's called spellcheck, you should look into that.

    And, I'm not talking about growing strawberries or some other generic sort of fruit. I'm talking about Wine grapes which are notoriously difficult to grow and were impossible, until recently to grow in Canada's climate.

    Speaking of turning backs, I'm done with this thread. A theory isn't merely an idea. It's an idea shared by enough scientists that it's valuable enough to pursue as their lives (plural) work.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dang View Post
    .....I'm talking about Wine grapes which are notoriously difficult to grow and were impossible, until recently to grow in Canada's climate....
    How recent is recent? Last five years, ten, twenty, fifty?
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  18. #18
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Geof View Post
    How recent is recent? Last five years, ten, twenty, fifty?
    The turnover from "normal" crop growth to growing these "Wine Grapes" which have only previously grown in The Mediterranean, Southern Californian, and Southern French climates, has happened during the last TWO years.

    These are the same two years where arctic ice melt has hit records. Where it's been reported that enough C02 has been deposited in the oceans to heat them by two degrees F. Imagine for a second how much energy it would take to heat all the salt water on earth by two degrees F. The World is by the way, made up of 2/3 water. That's alotta heat. Now realize that this amount of energy is dwarfed compared to the Methane output of our Factory Farming system for livestock. Livestock Farms put out more heated energy than every car, coal mine and factory stove pipe on earth combined.

    Now anyone wanna talk about how like The Sikhs are killing all those Israelis over in Sri Lanka? That effects us to ya know.

  19. #19
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dang View Post
    The turnover from "normal" crop growth to growing these "Wine Grapes" which have only previously grown in The Mediterranean, Southern Californian, and Southern French climates, has happened during the last TWO years...
    Don't be silly. The wine industry in the Niagara region of Southern Ontario is at least 40 years old and in British Columbia around the same.

    Still I gues the rest of your post is equally silly.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    My proof regarding my earlier wine statement.


    It's funny how I'm the only one providing any substantive content in my posts, when others are only providing anecdotal denials of the massive amount of evidence which backs up the "theory" of climate change. Such is the nature and classic symptom of denial.

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