Hey All, I am about to get started building my Joes 2006. I am still getting a few parts together but I have almost everything. Here is what I am going with...

Hobby CNC 4 Axis Controller Card
(Don't need the 4th Axis right now just got it anyway)

(3) 425 Oz Keling Motors

1/2" 10-5 start 2 turns per inch for the X & Y

1/2 10-2 start 5 turns per inch for the Z

Hitachi 2 1/4 HP Router

Dumpster Nuts

My Joes I did somethings a little different. My entire Z is HDPE, as well as all 3/4" parts are all HDPE. The gantry is still wood. I didn't see the point in buying an entire sheet of the 3/4" particle board at $25 or so and only using 1/5 of the sheet. I found a place here in Indy that sells 3/4" HDPE for $7 per SQFT.

Hopefully I should be able to start building here in a couple of weeks. I just moved and I am still putting my shop together in my apartment garages. Wow what a mess..... I have too much crap, and my garages flood with water and mud every time it rains, and they won't do anything about it. All of their garages do that, both of mine just happens to be one of the worst ones. The only good thing is they are only $35 each. So, I am building a false floor in the garages so I will be able to work in them. Ahhh the crap we do just to be able to build stuff.