We have had an Okuma L300-M lathe for about a year now. Our post was modified from a Captain lathe, and works OK most of the time. We have the most difficulty with rough bar turning cycles and live tool milling programs. Often times, the roughing cycles will start at the wrong X-Dia. and subsequently screw the whole cycle up. It is a simple change and is very obvious as long as we simulate before running a program, but I dont like having the possibility looming that someone might hit the big green button and send the turret flying across the room! I think a lot of the trouble with the milling cycles is the fact that my current post doesn't convert to angular feedrates. I end up having to cut my speeds by about 75% to get them into the reasonable range. I have contacted my retailer and all they can give me are posts for captain series lathes, which are all the same as what I have, give or take a few commands.

Does anyone here program a GENOS series lathe with CAMWorks and NOT have any trouble? I am willing to negotiate with you, if so. Let me know!