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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    New Laser X700 help!

    I bought a laser from X700 hflaser.com china and install it in the instructions, but got the following problems if you can help.
    1. After putting the tube included a water pump and laser machine.
    Power has a red key (test) after you repeatedly press tube began to glow (duct work), but after a few minutes down the key again and the tube is not lit!
    2. laser machine using a card 6515. Installation is successful. The program is EasyCut 5.3. In all options recognized well. Maybe I do not understand how to put cutting. Draw a rectangle, give him a starting point and other settings for engraving, and give start - nothing happens. Against key (Laser) 50W box is closed. Box name (Machine) is inactive. How to use menu download (CFG).
    3. Key test of the laser machine how it works. Nothing happens when I press it.
    4. Key laser also does not provide any results.
    5. The laser tube I could not get to shine in any way.
    6. How to send a valid file for engraving (MOL)

    Please provide an example step by step Easycut 5.3 to carve a rectanglevide
    Plese provide pictures.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
    my e-mail: [email protected]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    did you download CFG files? Did you download current data to laser machine? Is the laser machine connect well with computer by USB port?
    I have software working video, our software is laser cut 5.3,not easy cut,I think they
    are similiar!
    [email protected]
    Jinan Suke Science & Technology Co.,LTD

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hi. If not solved for this moment..... Don't worry about EasyCut. This is only trade name and inside is same as LaserCut.
    Please check if laser displayed "System starting - please wait" and later (last line) version of DSP firmware. Later press "datum" button. Head of machine should move to machine "zero" point.
    1. laser button - this giving shot of laser light for testing. Parameters of shot is set in laser section of menu in machine (if time is set to zero light still in time of pressing button, other give exact one shoot on one press)
    2. test button - head make move along rectangle current work (this is for checking current work area) - if in memory of DSP is present laser.mol file(should be present from factory). If not - connect machine with computer via cable USB (AB type - same as for printer). On body should be socket for it. If not present - check on DSP board.
    1. ConnectIn "computer" properties, devices tab, check if USB device for controller 6515 is present. If yes - start EasyCut software.
    2. In "FILE" - "machine option" - check if 6515 card set as controller, and later worktable section - size of your machine table. If OK press "SAVE" button. Here is password with star. Don't worry - this working. Next press "OK".
    3. In right part of window software check square near "imediate" and later press "download". Popup window will show a few options. Press "download CFG". This is for sending parameters to machine. Twice beep confim sending. Close window.
    Draw small figure (rectangle for example). In right upper corner should be layer with colour and mode type - engrave, cut and other). Set cut mode, and later on speed figure clik mouse twice - set speed (in mm/s and percent of power) and confirm. Later press "calculate" button. Now software is ready. Press "download" button, and choice "download current". Now machine is ready for work.
    This is base steps for setting computer/machine to work.

    Detailed information may U download from www.rabbitlaserusa.com - /Manuals/

    This is good source for info. Other: Chinese Laser Support Forums • Index page

    best regards

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