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IndustryArena Forum > Employment Opportunity / RFQ (Request for Quote). > Employment Opportunity > Looking for person or company to do small laser or cnc work
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Looking for person or company to do small laser or cnc work

    Fellow CNCers I have several projects not all at once though that I am looking to get either Milled or laser cut out of styrene. Thickness will be from .003 to .1875, depending on project. I live in Chattanooga, TN and would prefer to deal with someone close to me as these projects are basicly 1 offs or prototypes for model farm equipment.

    If anyone can help me out that would be great. They would have to know where to get the material. Styrene is not the only material I am willing to use but it needs to be cheap and semi sturdy.

    I can be reached via a pm here or by ihman(at)comcast.net


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    I work for Anchor Fabrication in Fort Worth, Texas. May i see some prints or perhaps a DXF?

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