Dear All

Its Sean Plunkett from Delcam/ArtCAM here.

I just wanted to pass along some preliminary information and details about the 2007 ArtCAM User Group Meeting.

The official announcements and details will be going out very shortly but I figured I would give you all a heads up as early on as possible since their are lots of people interested in finding out I am sure.

Here is what we know and have to share at this stage;

Dates for the user group August 19-22

Location St Charles Illinois
Venue Pheasant Run Resort & Spa
St. Charles, Illinois 60174

This is going to be a combined UG meeting (similar to the 2005 format) for all ArtCAM Users (both Pro & JS)

Rough outline and idea for the UG;

Aug 19-arrival date
Evening Network event 7-9pm

August 20- day one

August 21- day two
workshops and round table for development discussions

As mentioned above this info is very hot off the press so is still subject to change or slight adjustment.

Those users who are planning to attend are encouraged to book with the hotel as their are a block of rooms reserved for the A/C group (as always first come first serve and subject to availability) their has been a special room rate negotiated which I believe is approx $119.00 USD.
To inquire about these blocked rooms please refer to the Delcam/ArtCAM User Group Meeting.

I have personally been to this "resort" and we believe it is going to make a nice venue and atmosphere for the 2007 User Group Meeting. They have a golf course (maybe 2?) on-site, indoor pool, outdoor pool etc.. check out the website for addtional information.

Please stand by for more official announcements and details for Delcam in the very near future.

I hope you find this information useful and informative.

Sean Plunkett
ArtCAM Sales Manager - North America