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IndustryArena Forum > Manufacturing Processes > Milling > Engraving OD without rotary Gibbscam
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Engraving OD without rotary Gibbscam

    Basically, I'm looking for a Gibbscam expert to walk me through how to engrave on the OD of a part without using a rotary. I understand that I'm supposed to create a solid and project the text onto it, but I' dont know how. I've created the solid, but I dont know how to project the text onto the solid. I've tried to use GeoEdit Project, but I dont know which vector to use or why and then I'm kind of lost from there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Engraving OD without rotary Gibbscam

    Can you send an iges file? I use Mastercam, but I could project your engraving on your solid for you.

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