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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Stepper Motors / Drives > Where do I install an emergency stop button?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Where do I install an emergency stop button?

    Hi All,

    Just finishing off my cnc controller. I need to install an emergency stop button. Can anyone tell me which wires I connect to the button? Is it the power supply wires? If so, and if I need to stop, that will basically shut off the controller unit. Is that correct?



  2. #2
    As I understand it you need to wire the e-stop through your controller and software to prevent damage by simply cutting the power, and also wire it up for your spindle to stop it rotating.

    It might help if you tell people what controller and software are you using?

    Unfortunately I don't think I personally will be able to offer much advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    are you using mach?i wired my E-stop to the software,this stops without loosing position and having to repickup,ive never had a problem doing it this way so far,usually with mach pin 12 is for estop,one wire goes to pin 12 and the other goes to ground on,usually pin 18-25 on the breakout board,let me know what software?ill let you know,some people use estop to cut the motor ,but on some boards,like xylotex,that can blow the board

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    do you have n estop button already?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    one problem with shutting off the power supply is i think the program will keep running,so you would have to reset everything and pickup,using software estop stops all motion and when reset you can keep position,unless you crashed it,then pickup anyway,if needed you can always flip the switch on the controller for the power off,i myself prefer a hand help E-stop for quick response while starting off with a program

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hi all,

    I am such a fool. There is an e-stop connection on my breakout board.


    But how do I connect the wires? It says pin 10 and pin 5V.

    Yes, I just bought an e-stop button. I was thinking it wasn't such a good idea to connect to the power line. So anyone can explain how I can connect it up?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by thkoutsidthebox View Post
    As I understand it you need to wire the e-stop through your controller and software to prevent damage by simply cutting the power, and also wire it up for your spindle to stop it rotating.

    It might help if you tell people what controller and software are you using?

    Unfortunately I don't think I personally will be able to offer much advice.
    I am using Keling KL5056 driver and CNC4PC breakout board.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    im not sure about that breakout board,never seen one like that,looks like pin 10 is a ground,it color green,and the other is 5v red,for positive,does the instructions say anything about it?did you get it from keling with the drivers?
    let me know.you could try one wire from the estop to pin 12 the other wire of the estop to ground normally open,when depressed it grounds pin 12 and signals mach for estop,you are using mach2 or 3?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hi Sor,

    Thanks for the info. I tried connecting one wire to pin 10 and another to the 5V. Nothing happened when I depressed the button. I am using mach2 demo for now. Mach3 runs funny on my other pc. I am not sure what pin 12 is so I don't dare to connect them up that way. Only what is shown on the drawing.\

    Yes, the drawing is from Keling site. Th e breakout board is from cnc4pc.com. I think I will write both of them an email regarding this. Once I know, I will post the result.

    There aren't any instruction with the kit. Its simple enough once you get down to studying the whole setup. But little things like the home and limit switches and e-stop aren't explained.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    You will need to configure the input in the software.
    Refer to 'Parallel input setup' on page 5-8 of the MAch2 manual.
    Looking at the piece of paper you attached earlier I would say you are correct in connecting it between pin 10 and 5V.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    pin 12 is just pin 12 on the breakout board,mach2 is default set for pin 12 on the estop,try to use 10 and 5v,one wire from the estop to each,when depressed should send signal up pin 10,but change the setting in mach estop to be pin 10,than try it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    remember mach2 is defualted for pin12,so nothing happens until you change to pin 10 in the software

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Ah! I see what you mean. Will check my mach2 software and adjust accordingly. But if I use pin12 as e-stop, will that be a problem for my breakout board? Fry it maybe? Or i can use it just as I am using pin10 for the e-stop? Thanks.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    it wont fry the board to use pin 12 for estop

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hi Steve,

    I have tried everything (I think) and even with the help of Arturo from cnc4pc where I got the breakout board. No luck. The e-stop doesn't work for me. Not sure why. For your info, my e-stop button is connected (or closed) when the button is not pressed but the circuit is open or disconnected (i.e. current cannot flow tru) when the button is pressed. I have set the pin to 10 in mach2 and 3 and use pin 10 on the board.

    I run the cycle, i see the motor turning. Pressed the button, nothing happened, motor still turning and mach2 and 3 still cycling tru the g code. Where am I going wrong here. Do I have the wrong e-stop button. Can't be. Are some setting not correct? Thanks.


  16. #16
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    Feb 2007

    Finally got the e-stop to work. I have no idea how. I just started mach3 and run the cycle and when I pressed e-stop button. Voila! But I still couldn't figure out why it worked now when it didn't last night. Is mach software that inconsistent. I am boggled.

    In fact I am still having trouble getting the motor to turn correctly. At times it will turn the correct amount of times corresponding to the length of linear travel as per the G Code. But at time, the motor just crawl while the number on the DRO goes up the same amount of linear distance.


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by alexccmeister View Post
    At times it will turn the correct amount of times corresponding to the length of linear travel as per the G Code. But at time, the motor just crawl while the number on the DRO goes up the same amount of linear distance.
    Could you have a simple loose connection in your wires thats sometimes not allowing the full current to flow...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    alex,what kind of 5 volts supply do you have for your logic power,im not sure,but the geckos require seprate 5 volts supply,im sure the keling drives do to,and check all your wires for loose ones,another thing make sure all the motor wire are seperate from your logic(step+dir)wires,min. 1/4 apart so your not getting interference,next.what kind of pc do you have ,and make sure no other programs are on,some will mess up mach software,last question,before the estop working did the motors function ok?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    alex,it sounds like the motors are not tuned correctly and maybe stahling
    what are the settings you have in the motor tuning section?accel?velocity?
    let me know,and ill take a look ,alwasy start off low and slow to make sure everything is working smoothly and correctly,than bump up the speed on them slowly

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by thkoutsidthebox View Post
    Could you have a simple loose connection in your wires thats sometimes not allowing the full current to flow...
    Will check the connection again just to be sure. Thanks.

    Hi Steve,

    Will go tru as per you advice and see if the result will come out better. Wow! so many hurdles to get over. Maybe I should wait until I have my X2 mill and X-Y table and test the motors on the mill. Anyway, will try some more. Thanks guys for all your help. I will report back again when I have them sorted out or vice versa. At the moment, I am in the process of finishing off the controller box. Will post some pics.

    alex,what kind of 5 volts supply do you have for your logic power,im not sure,but the geckos require seprate 5 volts supply,im sure the keling drives do to,and check all your wires for loose ones,another thing make sure all the motor wire are seperate from your logic(step+dir)wires,min. 1/4 apart so your not getting interference,next.what kind of pc do you have ,and make sure no other programs are on,some will mess up mach software,last question,before the estop working did the motors function ok?
    I have a separate 5v supply. This is connected to the breakout board and to the drivers.


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