I'm FINALLY making the bulk of the parts for the darn thing... (took a job driving a truck for a while)

And I'm basically just going to set it up to make stuff I've been making, only a little fancier.

The bulk of what I do is steel, with some aluminum. I'm going to need capability to put serial numbers and the like on round pieces, but also have the capability to do heavier cuts, preferably either with a good solid motor, or if they aren't moving, some sort of braking system.

What would you guys suggest? The Harmonic Drive setups look very interesting. I'm a little leery of a rotary table adaptation, altho I may consider using one for a fifth axis, but I'm really not sure it could hold the degree of tolerance for doing the numbering and lettering.

Also sort of considering a hybrid made of a minilathe headstock. Pros would be that it would already have a chuck mounted, but I'd be worried about the belt system not being solid enough for heavier cuts.

So... Three options - Chinese Harmonic Drive (uh... I'm on a budget...), 6" rotary table, or Harbor Freight lathe headstock. Which would you choose?