I have a Mitsubishi HC-SFS-352 3.5kw servo motor. Rated 146v at 17 amps, 51 amps peak. I plan on using it to replace the 2kw servo I recently installed on my Monarch lathe for the spindle. Problem is I doubt I will ever find a drive to run the thing. It has a 131,070 line encoder on it, but unfortunately is has a serial interface on the encoder. My guess is its a analog quadrature encoder with lots of interpolation.

I found and bought a Aerotech servo drive off ebay I am hoping to rig up to run it. The parameters match pretty close (25 amps cont, 50 amps peak) and for the price it is worth the gamble. Thing is it needs commutation hall inputs. So I was thinking of taking one of these encoders:


And using it to replace the encoder on the motor. The encoder on the motor is a bolt on that uses an oldham coupling so I can always put it back on and maintain alignment. The renco encoder is only 60 bucks.

So I figure make a mating oldham coupler, and a plate to support the shaft and mount the encoder. Use the three resistors in Y connection to align the encoder and cross my fingers.

I believe the motor is 6 pile (2 pole pairs) is there a way to verify?

I do have other mitsubishi servos that do have regular differential output so I could compare those.

Think this will work?

Or have I finally gone off the deep end?