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Thread: new features

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    new features

    What does the plus sign next to the mouse pointer tell me. Why do the cutter path lines (yellow) disappear when I hit the "esc" escape key? I know how to get them back but it is a pain in the a$$. What is the point to this new feature? If I want to use an Inventor right click menu (like measure) I actually have to hit the escape key to get it. But then I can't see paths. Please tell me why this is better than the way it was before rel 9?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hummmm . . . no comment by anybody! :bat:

    It is a profound change to the UI and there is no word on why they did it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I'm assuming your using the inventor interface. I have the standalone (w/ Hypercad) and haven't a clue what your talking about. (Sorry - I just know it's frustrating when no one answers your post.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    I feel so alone. . . :tired: Yea, it is in Inventor. Thanks for responding. It is a change they made in release 9 that I just can't figure out why they did it.

    You have to figure they are trying to make things better but they have no communication to the field! Why don't they make that better? Hello . . . hello . . . echo. . . echo . . .

    OK I am feeling better now. :rainfro:


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    ...." What does the plus sign next to the mouse pointer tell me. Why do the cutter path lines (yellow) disappear when I hit the "esc" escape key? I know how to get them back but it is a pain in the a$$. What is the point to this new feature? If I want to use an Inventor right click menu (like measure) I actually have to hit the escape key to get it. But then I can't see paths. Please tell me why this is better than the way it was before rel 9? "

    The reason for this is that in Inventor the toolpath graphics are not a mesh or a CAD element. They are a line ( like a bitmap ) which are generated through the API.

    So unfortunately it is not possible to select the toolpath[s], therefore we hide it.
    Doug Wyrybkowski
    OPEN MIND Technologies USA Inc

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    I have been using Hypermill for a long long time. I know very well that you have not been able to snap to a cutter path for years.

    Why make the change? It just makes the interface more difficult to use. There is no point to hiding the cutter-path until the user is done using it. And using the measure feature in Inventor is part of what it takes to check your work. I am talking about measuring the model or measuring to a free-form control line or a boundary or any of a thousand things that have to be right to cut metal without breaking tools and scraping metal. Hypermill worked the right way from before release 4 all the way to release 8. Then, in the ninth hour (ninth release) they change it to be like this. Why?

    This is exactly what I am talking about!!! There is no communication from them. You don't even know the reason they did it. If they are going to change something as fundamental as this is then the bare minimum that should be offered is an explanation.

    Practically every time that the cutter path disappears I have to go back and dig through two slow levels of right click menu to get it back. If Open Mind had a good user forum they would learn when they screw up something. But they don't hear a single word we say.


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