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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    My Chinese laser experience

    Hello everyone I'm new to the forum and new to the cnc world as well. That said I've never been afraid to try something new. I'll start from the beginning after I had decided that a laser engraver would be a good asset for me. I hope that some of the issues I ran across and how I fixed them helps someone else. I had already decided I needed my 40w laser to come with coraldraw software so I began my search and found one on ebay I had to bid on got under $450 it came with 2 thumb drives a key and the software corallaser coraldraw 12 graphics and coralpaint. It also came with the standards the exhaust blower,flex hose,aquarium pump and hose,USB cord,power cord,instructions around 3 sheets with writing useless.
    The box came in pretty rough shape but the tube was in good shape. I set it up in my house directly under a window I started setting it up. I cut a 6"x 38" piece of cardboard to place under the opened window and traced out the flex hose cut the circle out placed it in the window closed it on the cardboard it works for now. I double checked the wiring in the blower the connections weren't great so I taped them up then set my blower in place hooked up the hose ran it thru the cardboard. I then got into the water section of it there was water evident in the clear water feed hoses that was a good sign. I then hooked up the pump it's straight forward turned it on no leaks and seemed to pump surprisingly well circulated well. I simply used a 5 gallon bucket with 2-3 gallons in it. I then got into the machine I noticed the X axis belt was loose so I pulled on it and one end flew out I freaked it looked to be broke but that wasn't the case after I looked close it had simply came out of the clamp on the X carage each end of the belt gets sandwiched in a clamp it's easiest to remove the 2 Allen screws at each end of the Cross runner not sure of the right terminalegy it's what the X axis runs on you have to remove the 3 screws that hold the lens housing on set it aside then remove the 2 Allens at each end remove then you can put the belt back in the clamp and reassemble. Now I was trying to get it as tight as possible but couldn't seem to get the belt tension where it needed to be until I finally realized the the two Phillips at the far right side of the x axis that I removed are for setting the tension on the belt. Simply move the axis up to the hole in the sheet metal and stick a Phillips screw driver in thru the right door access easy adjustment. After I got that where I wanted it I was ready to turn it on. I did have to place the led strip lighting it came with where I wanted it it plugs in on the back right wall and the wiring loops at the opposite end where the first mirror shoots thru so I zip tied it up.
    So I turned on the machine and the axises went to the home position and the Y axis wouldn't stop and started making an awful racket the belt was jumping off the teeth. I immediately shut it off once again I was freaking so I moved the axis back and forth many times it seemed that it was going all the way back. I just assumed that the position sensor was bad but I seen they were adjustable so I dropped it down there's a small L shaped bracket on the back side of the stepper motor it was hitting after dropping the sensor to clear I turned it on and right home it when smooth as silk. These sensors are green plastic blocks with red led lights on each of them. I was ready to check my mirrors they were clean so I cooled my water down with ice turned everything on and checked them with peices making tape the first was dead on at 3 locations but the Y axis was hitting the X axis mirror off to the back side looking at it. So I made the small adjustments on it very simple to do common sense will take care of figuring this out along with most of it lol.
    At this time I was ready to install my software this is where a good friend of mine came into play he runs cnc mills and alot of computerized equipment for a living he took care of all this for me as I am not very computer literate in today's standards but we had little problem installing it my wife attempted it but her problem was she never tried installing it with both thumb drives in the laptop as I said before one is a key that allows you to open the coraldraw. After my buddy got it installed we were cutting and engraving within 30-45min I'm using windows 7 by the way.
    So all in all my opinion is it can't be beat for the money it runs great don't listen to everyone that keeps calling them junk there far from that a little tinkering here and there and your cutting if you don't wanna tinker a bit then don't buy one. Now I'm sure there's been some folks that have got some damaged machines but for the most part I see positive in them. I'm in the process of putting air assist on mine my buddy has made me a tip for the lens housing so I'm excited about that. I hope some of my issues might answer some questions folks might have in the future when they receive there's.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: My Chinese laser experience

    Very nice write up. It lets people know what they can expect when they buy one. I'm glad yours worked out well for you.
    A little common sense and patience goes a very long way.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Gozzie View Post
    Very nice write up. It lets people know what they can expect when they buy one. I'm glad yours worked out well for you.
    A little common sense and patience goes a very long way.

    Thanks Gozzie I appreciate that I hope it helps I'm more than satisfied with the machine it's a learning experience and a great tool for less than $500 it can do a whole lot of work that I can't.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: My Chinese laser experience

    thank you for sharing.(wrong)

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