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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Question Mach4 - Pokeys57CNC - PlasmaSense THC issues

    I'm struggling trying to get the proper configuration to make my system to work for PLASMA cutting. I'm using a PoLabs Pokeys57cnc controller with Mach 4 and PoLabs Plasma Sense THC. Following the "Mach 4 Plasma Configuration Guide" seems to me that there are no details on how to configure the Plasma Sense when using the 0-10V input, they only mention HV, which I assume is for High Voltage or Raw Voltage directly form the Plasma Power Unit.
    For the Plasma Configuration in Mach 4, I've used the Full Register Path as it comes from the "Register Diagnostic" without changing anything, so I will get something like this: "PoKeys_41031/PlasmaSense HV", I've also use "iRegs0/nf/thc/ThcActualVoltage" from iRegs0-nf-thc instead. In either case I sometimes 'm able to cut a line after several attempts clearing multiple alarm messages in Mach 4 or the system just pierce the material and stops. So, I think part of my problem is that I don't have mapped the "THC input" correctly, but since my THC is connected to the PoExtension2 Bus on the Pokeys57cnc board there is no way for me to physically track what pin is connected to for me to enable it, I've used pins 41 and 42 but I see no change, I enabled the THC with no pin assigned to it but I see no change either. I've also configured the Pokeys57cnc plug-in Input Sensor to 0-10V assuming this is what it should work but no, so I changed this back to HV as it was.
    So just to make my long story short, I would like to know if anybody is using a similar configuration to share a hint on whether I should configure THC Input in a very specific way or if my only way out will be to cut a hole on my Powermax 65 to get the raw high voltage out from it and connect it to the Plasma Sense device, hopefully this will help.I've been changing several setting all over and the most frustrating thing is that sometimes it works (partially) and sometimes it doesn't.
    Any help is welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Mach4 - Pokeys57CNC - PlasmaSense THC issues

    Quote Originally Posted by asd12345678 View Post

    Ich kann leider kein Englisch.
    Ich habe das gleiche Problem mit Mach3
    Habe PlasmaSens an HV des Pladmaschneiders
    Mach3 bekommt auch kein Signal .

    Was dir aber helfen könnte:

    You can also check it manually by closing Mach3 and opening PoKeys application. Go to Peripherals > EasySensors and check that there are two SimpleSensors in the list and that their values are correctly displayed (click 'Refresh values' in the bottom right corner).

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Attachment 497920Attachment 497922

    This is for PLasmaSens Mach3 for find the THC in Mach3 and Pokeys57cncAttachment 497928

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Mach4 - Pokeys57CNC - PlasmaSense THC issues

    Box, thanks for the recommendation. The problem I see is that Mach3 and Mach4 configuration settings are a bit different. I'm trying to understand how can I translate the Mach3 settings you are suggesting into Mach4.

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