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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Cincinnati CNC > New Guy need Duplomatic Turret help
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    New Guy need Duplomatic Turret help

    I'm working on a Cincinnati lathe and am having trouble with the turret. It is a Duplomatic BSA 200 series 20. it needed clocked in. I got it to zero and I can grab the turret and move it 5 thou in either direction and it does'nt come back to zero. I've pulled it and tore it down and my question is what clamps the turret? It has an indexer pin but I'm fairly sure this is not the clamp function. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Is it the turret indexing function that is loose, or maybe the mounting bolts that bolt down the entire Duplomatic assembly?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Raygun ,
    you're right if this duplomatic turret is the same that i know, that pin is the turret brake & /or solenoid ! .
    the clamping device is mounted on the main shaft inside ,
    Please describe your problem in other words !!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    duplomatic turret

    hello i assume its a falcon or hawk 200 or 250 lathe. the turret is clamped by the motor on the rear of the turret. the sequence is
    when the turret index is commanded to move the turret motor turns unclamping the turret and turning untill the 'resolver' tells it it is in the correct position.the solenoid is energised and the shotbolt is pushed down into the slot in the main ring. this stops the index and reverses the motor.this reversal draws the turret onto a 'curvic' coupling this gives the solid clamp that is required.when it is clamped the proximity switch beneath the motor is made - cycle compleat. so is your motor reversing? the machines have two methods of reversing. the early machines had reversing contacts in the panel.later machines used an inverter.try clamping the turret manually and then try indexing the turret both ways. if it moves one way but not the other then either one of the contactors could be faulty or the inverter is us or you could have a wiring fault.to manually clamp
    remove rear cover-you will have to take off the crash switch
    remove the round duplomatic cover held by 4 silly little countersunk screws
    this will reveal the solenoid
    insert a 6mm allen key thru the rear of the motor (think its 6 might be 5mm)
    push down the shot bolt in the middle of the solenoid.keep it pressed and turn the allen key clockwise.you should see the turret turn and the shotbolt engage with one of the slots.keeping the shotbolt pressed turn the allen key anti-clockwise.you will start to feel resistance keep turning untill this resistance slackens slightly.the turret is now clamped.BEWARE IF YOU DONT TURN ANTICLOCKWISE ENOUGH THE ALLEN KEY WILL SPIN AND HURT YOUR FINGERS IT DOES MINE.I WOULD SUGGEST USING A RACHET UNTILL YOU GET USED TO IT.E-MAIL ME AT [email protected] if you have any questions.best of luck mallardfizz

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    duplomatic turret

    hello again i've had another thought.if you can only move the turret 5-6 thou IS THE PIN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SOLENOID STUCK DOWN?. OR IS THE PIN UNDERNEATH IT STUCK.if you take out the two screws on either side of the solenoid you can sdrew into the middle of the pin and pull the solenoid out.underneath is the shotbolt pull this out and you will see two small springs
    that push the shotbolt back. these springs break and the shotbolt remains down making the prox switch mounted to the right of the shotbolt.once the turret is in the right position the shotbolt fires and thens should come out.the machine needs to see the prox switch made then not made then the motor reverses and clamps the turret.what alert does the control post? also before you manually clamp the turret (if the shotbolt isn't stuck in) move the turret round slightly out of position - so that you feel the shotbolt engage in the disc when you push the plunger down.to much typing e-mail me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    After disassembling the gearbox I found the cam had a broken lobe. Thanks for all the replies. And Mallard I e-mailed you twice. Maybe my mail is going to a junk folder.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    hello i am sorry i cannot find your earlier e-mails.you might be right and they have been put into my spam box - unfortunately i have deleted the content .
    however if you send me another e-mail i think i have a duplomatic manual i could send you on-line (as long as i can find it!) i must explain that i earn my living repairing cincinnati machines in the uk and am on the road quite a lot so sometimes i am away from my computer. regards mallardfizz

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Smile Turret

    Talk to the guys at Macoser. Just recently had problems with a Hawk 150. They can probably e-mail you manuals if you need.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Thanks, I have aquired manuals and have since solved the problems.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I also am having problems with a duplomatic turrert. Could someone familiar please look at the second page of this thread and give me some advice? http://cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53445

    Macoser doesnt support my turret anylonger and $8-$10k for a new one is not an option

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: New Guy need Duplomatic Turret help

    Hello!.. did you still have the ladder for this turret???
    please help me.. thank you in advance

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2022

    Re: duplomatic turret

    Quote Originally Posted by mallardfizz View Post
    hello i assume its a falcon or hawk 200 or 250 lathe. the turret is clamped by the motor on the rear of the turret. the sequence is
    when the turret index is commanded to move the turret motor turns unclamping the turret and turning untill the 'resolver' tells it it is in the correct position.the solenoid is energised and the shotbolt is pushed down into the slot in the main ring. this stops the index and reverses the motor.this reversal draws the turret onto a 'curvic' coupling this gives the solid clamp that is required.when it is clamped the proximity switch beneath the motor is made - cycle compleat. so is your motor reversing? the machines have two methods of reversing. the early machines had reversing contacts in the panel.later machines used an inverter.try clamping the turret manually and then try indexing the turret both ways. if it moves one way but not the other then either one of the contactors could be faulty or the inverter is us or you could have a wiring fault.to manually clamp
    remove rear cover-you will have to take off the crash switch
    remove the round duplomatic cover held by 4 silly little countersunk screws
    this will reveal the solenoid
    insert a 6mm allen key thru the rear of the motor (think its 6 might be 5mm)
    push down the shot bolt in the middle of the solenoid.keep it pressed and turn the allen key clockwise.you should see the turret turn and the shotbolt engage with one of the slots.keeping the shotbolt pressed turn the allen key anti-clockwise.you will start to feel resistance keep turning untill this resistance slackens slightly.the turret is now clamped.BEWARE IF YOU DONT TURN ANTICLOCKWISE ENOUGH THE ALLEN KEY WILL SPIN AND HURT YOUR FINGERS IT DOES MINE.I WOULD SUGGEST USING A RACHET UNTILL YOU GET USED TO IT.E-MAIL ME AT [email protected] if you have any questions.best of luck mallardfizz

    I tried using "mallardfizz's" email address to open communications and the email doesn't seem to work. I'm trying to find someone I can work with to help diagnose my issue of excessive bounce on my BSA200 duplomatic turret. Plus the turret has spuratic instances where after an index the turret looks like it tries to unclamp/index after it should be clamped in. It then alarms out with a 15107 Alarm "NON CYC ALERT TURR CL SW"

    The machine is a Cincinnati Milacron Avenger 200MT. I'd really like to find a Tech if possible.

    Thank you in advance,

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