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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    RFQ quote /prototype

    I'm working on an engine and wanted to know if someone would put up some R&D time to get it up and running, I just need the rotor cam done and it will be open source to who ever wants to build these and sell them. look at the Icon at the pink foam cam. we have a private site to members only that build energy efficent devices and is not open to the public you may be invite to help on this project. NAD agreement is involved . Mike bush

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Motorcoach1 View Post
    the Icon at the pink foam cam.
    ? What does that mean? Is there something that people viewing this post can look at to get an idea of what you are talking about?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    the diamiter is 6 inches and the lobes are 120 degrees as to the black marks in the photo. the edges is 3/4 inch , the bearing surface on the face of the rotor , this is where the piston rod rides at 90 degrees to the rotor the bolt is where the drive shaft goes. I used a 86c frame electric motor shaft and bearings. the critical part is when thr rotor turns the sine and cosine change to keep the bearing tight and not pinching the rotor. you can take a parir of calipers and move them 90 degrees on a pice of paper and seee the angles change. It will be in a 12 cylinder engine and has only one stroke due to the turbo blowers on it. It runs on vaporised fuels and hydrogen from a cell i'm testing. here are some other parts and assemblies such as the piston rod guide and set up to the cylinders. if you need other info feel free to ask. I fel the engine will produce 50Hp or better and a larger model will produce 200hP and it is all tork no lag 6 cylinders fire at one time then the other 6. I feel i have come up with a satisfactory oil pump system that is a screw type that is in the sump. the 4 cells is a test cell for the Hyd.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Copy (1) of rotor2.jpg   cam rotor.jpg   Picture 9.jpg   HPM2.jpg  

    Picture 27.jpg   Picture 32.jpg   Picture 47.jpg   Picture 74.jpg  

    Picture 43.jpg   Picture 46.jpg  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hi Motorcoach1
    With what I see your design is not new there are many Patents on this type of Engine
    It is used a lot for hydraulic Pumps as well as transmissions ( Honda has one ) you can find lots of information under Swash Plate Engine which is the same concept as your engine I hope this helps to move foward in your design

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I googled swash plate and got 11 hits all from CNCzone, not much help. I know what you mean by swash plate, they have movement like on the collective on a helacopter. this is a set rotor on the shaft. I have looked at many patents, but that doesn't get the part made. thank you for your input. Mike

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hi Motorcoach1
    You have to put in Swash Plate Engine or Wobble Plate Engine or Cam Engine
    this will get you to were it is at If I had my 4th axes going I would make it
    for you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Let me get this straight. Are you looking for someone who can make this part and in exchange you will give them the rights to produce it? Or, are you actually willing to pay for it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Thank you Mactec54 , most folks i have talked to told me about the difaculty on this part , but I keep chugging along been at the design for 2o years now and still would like to build one. I'm not going to patent it just open source it to who ever wants to make one. it should proform quite well and the guys that ***** about the gas deal- well what ever- this is green and gives good power for the money. i run my bus on Efuel and HY I make myself so the gas prices don't realy bother me when I by 10 gallons a month. I machine glass products and the pays not like Fla but I'm happy and the boss pays the electric bill ,lol. I live 65 miles from home so I stay at the plant during the week. @ bob if you want to make one go ahead , look at it as a big model engine, Other than the cam it's stright forward build. no fancy machine work after that. I'll post more If you like but will have to be another thread.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    ..so, you're looking for a freebie?

    ...can I also assume you would like solid models and detail drawings too?
    with revisions?

    Just off the top of my head, one could have $1500 in this job.
    ...and that person would get 'open source rights'?

    Since posting this in a public forum, you have given away any intellectual property rights to the design.
    Now if there's more to the story, I'm sure once the prototype is done there will be modifications done to make it workable.

    ...am I close?

    I'm not critizing you or the project, but the approach is not what anyone with any sense wants to be a part of. After 35+ years machining and prototyping, you know when someone is trying to take you for a moron.

    my .02

    Some of my best finds were in the trash....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I just wanted to build one so if you can read anyone ,again i'll say this anyone can build it, I don't care . i just wanted to build one and was seeing if some one else had any intrest so now forget it I could care less

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Motorcoach1 View Post
    I just wanted to build one so if you can read anyone ,again i'll say this anyone can build it, I don't care . i just wanted to build one and was seeing if some one else had any intrest so now forget it I could care less
    No disrespect was intended.
    You may want to contact a local college or Tech School with your idea, they may be interested. I advised teams of engineering students who worked on solutions for companies in our area. The class was product realization utilizing rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing, it is a great success.
    The students get real experience developing an idea or working a solution to a real need.

    In Tech schools, there's a program called VICA, who could help develop the idea. You could help by donating only your time, there could be no cost to you and a great weath to students in need of your experience.

    my other .02

    Some of my best finds were in the trash....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Thank you for your reply pixburgenat no disrespect was taken. I lost my shop in a fire and had no coverage , down in fla back in 92. I have great respect for machinest. i made camera parts when i was younger and lost some valuable machines when the fire took them. yes there is some intallectual info and I'm not persueing it. I started this design back in the mid 70's for dynacam and when i found out that i may not get paid i never sent the dwrawings and they to went up in smoke, lol, at this time it's so ironc. Sam higgens bought the company and is now axlalvector and i chatted with hin too and the same sanero he wanted the drawings first and I said quietly no. i recived some emails from a couple of shops and will chat with them. I'm currently trying to study rino program to learn cad and it has it's learning curves. i like your idea on the collage. they have a thing here called SCRA and have spoken with them and sounds promiceing. i don't know if I can devote that much time to this we all have to make a liveing and the glass biz take up most of mine (employe 12 hours a day) I have found that some people here have multable email addresses and that scare me. one person guestamated 1500 wich I felt was not bad. i have worked up a swiss cam machine that will make the part and would be decated to that part, if I ever get around to it. i just like the uniqness of the engine desgin and what could be possable with it. We live in a changeing world and I don't want to compete with the big auto guys. I seeen to many good designs go on the shelf and people greed to sell off their ideas and just take the money. in most cases the designs were just modifide and patented and you got zilch for your efforts and your good intentions were wasited. thank you for reading this and good luck to who ever reads and plays with the design. Mike

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