...ok im def going to build a machine. i work in a machine shop now with access to machines that arent running parts. so i can finally make my parts. im going to build this thing to cut AL...i need to make motorcycle parts for my bike, and screw payin for the one that are already out lol..

SOO. i know i want to go servo. And i think AC..can someone give me a basic run down of components needed? And after i get the list, ill do my own research into what each component does, and try to get a good idea of what i need, of course ill be asking questions along the way. I plan on picking up servos first, so a good place to start would be some help with what size servos im gonna need. and we can go from there.

Thanks alot guys!!!

..oh one more thing.. also needed to know what size/kind of motor to get to drive the spindle. 3500 rpm spindle geared to run 12k (or faster) rpm or just a 10 horse motor???? ( or any other suggestion)