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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Is anyone familier with Dyna CNC?

    I'm looking at buying a Dyna CNC table top router for engraving and carving purposes. Is anyone familier with this machine? Do they have a good reputation? Is there any more affordable machine I could be looking at? The package cost< including a Computer,Software(Mach 3 & BobCAD,BobART)36"x36" table with 3" Z travel Axis is around $8800.00 Thanks JC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I am planning on buying one once funding comes in.

    I spoke with the owner himself, he grew up locally and it seems as though they have the right idea. They over engineer their products and back them strongly, talk about customer service. I have heard nothing but promising feedback.

    Did you request the DVD, its amazing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    got table top kit

    I'm still getting the correct parts sent out and completing my driver wiring on the kit that i got from keling tech. I'll post pros and cons along with some pics when i get time. I'm also quite sure i'll have plenty of questions, this being a big project that is totally over my head.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Thanks for the reply. Yes , I got the DVD and spoke to the owner as well. I just wanted to here what there reputation was like. Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Dyna cnc router

    I recieved my Dynacnc dec. 27 06. It is a 4x4 dual router plasma table. I am running PhotoVcarve on it without any problems that I havent been able to solve myself. Haven't done any plasma cutting on it yet,but that is next.I picked up my table myself and Steve Capp the tech support was very helpful.As Dynacnc is an open system the is no end of free tech support for everything on the web.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2007

    Dyna CNC tableltop

    I ordered our machine just before christmas, It arrived the week of feb 9th. Some minor glitches in the geckodrives, but handled easily with the help of Mark in terch support. Still waiting on the 3-D software though, it was backordered. I will post again once the software arrives. BTW, we are a retail and commerical engraving shop, so this will be a major addition to our product line.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007



    CrashMasterKev you need to take a chill pillllllll.
    I want to read about machines here not listen to cry babies. sssooooo you had some problems........don't care!

    The man offered you your money back............take it and shut up man!

    Dude......Your comments don't need to be here on this board! I don't own one of these machines but I can tell you this........

    I am tired of reading your cry baby crap!

    CrashMasterKev take it back to them I don't want to here about it. This site is educational to me but this crap is crap!

    $2800.00 for a cnc machine......... wow. Where do I sign up! Thats a deal! I could see complainin on line if you spent like 20 grand for a machine or something, but 2800.00. you are kidding. Freom the sounds of your other posts....you don't know what you are doing! get an education and a life! chill and warm up to a nice warm cnc book and learn like most operators.......... The dude from Dyna sound like a pretty fair guy to me and you trash him on line ......bummer CrashMasterKev, dude you are the loser here.

    advice: go somewhere else with your trash....:rainfro:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    That was interesting!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Smile Reputation

    I can see both sides on this one. I don't think Kevin is just "crying". He purchased a machine, concessions were made to appease a customer when delivery was obviously not going to be made. And then those concessions turned out to be unsatisfactory.

    The other hand....dealing with the glitches in a company that cause you to be late. Going beyond your requirement of a contract to make up for a delivery issue...and having a customer upset with the quality of a free extended service.......Frustrating on both ends.

    Business goes this way sometimes....you both have a goal...to make quality products for a profit......Why not send a tech to help Kevin get this machine set up so that it makes absolutley mint parts. Teach him a couple efficiency tips and watch him make perfect parts on a perfect machine.....then he will brag about your product to his network until his business expands and it's time to buy a new machine.......Full Price of course!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Guys, I can appreciate all your views, keep an eye on this post for my reply coming soon, and you’re right snuffy plaz, this isn’t the place for this crap, but I was never heard before when I tried to deal with this one on one with the manufacturer, so maybe he will try to help me now, I to hope that we can get all this resolved. Trust me I dont like this anymore than you do.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You can also post or pm me your email and I will email you .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Ok Dave, Maybe your right, maybe I did blow this out of proportion, but I feel like maybe your company never took it seriously enough when I contacted you about the issues we’ve been discussing here when they were fresh.

    I understand completely, I have been in your position and that’s why I tried to forget about it and tried to make the best of a bad situation and just deal with what I have, that is until I saw someone inquiring about your company, in my opinion, I got burned and there was nothing that I could do about it, that is what a representative of your company told me.

    Dave, I am an honest hard working person like yourself, and I swear to you Dave, I was never contacted about the ball screw issue, please show me your documentation that proves otherwise, you keep saying you can and I have yet to see it, I have saved all communications between your company and myself in both hard and electronic formats and there was no discussion that I wasn’t getting servos prior to receiving my machine so I would really like you to show me when that was because it’s not in my records.

    I tried to remedy the situation as soon as I realized that what I got was not what I ordered and not what I paid for, and it was pointless, I was told I could send it back and eat the shipping both ways, Dave, I cant afford to eat $700.00 in wasted shipping costs, so, I decided I try to make the best of it, after all, I’m a reasonably intelligent person and there’s lots of people out there running steppers, so they can’t be all that bad, right?

    Well, even with your configuration, standard screws and steppers, the machine is undependable, I have trashed hundreds of dollars in material and hundreds in broken bits due to missed steps, it only takes a few missed steps to trash a part or a tool, I have tuned the motors till I was blue in the face, and its better, but it’s still not right, it’s not what I bargained for, that’s why I wanted servos.

    You may be thinking that I am a rookie, and that maybe this is all operator error, let me tell you something, it was about 10 years that ago I attended a CNC programming/operation course at Thermwood Inc., and yes, I have the documentation to prove it, Since that time I have been employed in various positions all related to the operation and programming of CNC’s and I have thousands of hours In my profession, I currently and daily use AutoCAD 2007, AutoDesk Inventor 11 and Planit Solutions AlphaCam V6 to program 4 busellato point to points and a CMS machining center, I feel very confident that I can handle the programming and operation of my DynaCNC.

    With that said, I don’t feel that I know it all, but I feel that I stand as good a chance as anybody of being successful at programming and operating anything that anybody can throw at me in the world of CNC’s but I can’t seem to overcome the issues of the product I have purchased from you.

    Ok, so, I just read the last couple posts and this is what I am thinking at the moment.

    You know what Dave, snuffy plaz is right, we shouldn’t be discussing this here, this really isn’t what this forum is about, and I don’t feel that it is beneficial for either of us, especially you, to continue to do so.

    So, Dave, if you would like to contact me at you earliest convenience, Monday or Tuesday would be fine, we can both put our pride aside and take care of business, I would be willing to try if you are.

    And I believe that I have the solution to the problems I have been facing and you might be able to produce a better machine for your customers, and avoid issues like this in the future, we both win, I truly believe that I know what the problems are and it’s a fairly simple fix, you probably have the parts on hand, and you know that I am a very outspoken person, if we can get this fixed, I will tell the world that you helped me and you can feel even more confident in your products. WIN WIN situation. Give us a chance to fix this.

    Now it’s your turn Snuffy plaz, as much as I don’t appreciate you calling me a crybaby, I see your point I respect it, and, I agree with you, this isn’t the place for this, BUT, I don’t think that you or anybody else here would be very happy in my situation, there is way more to my frustration than you are aware of, I tried to keep it simple and to the point.

    What you have heard here just scratches the surface of how this purchase unfolded, think about it, if you spent your money, whether it was 3K or 300K and upon delivery it was not as you agreed upon, you’d be upset to, I kept my mouth shut here, maybe for too long, but it is what it is now, I hope we, that is, dynacnc and I can work this out.

    Also I hope you read my qualifications, I have the books, the education and the experience to program and run just about anything.
    And I’m glad you’re here, I think this is a great place for education, I have helped many people here and I have gotten help here, and maybe you can do the same someday, Welcome to cnczone, It’s too bad that you blew your posting “virginity” crying about me crying.
    It’s all good dude, no hard feelings, I’ve been dealing with it so far and I will go on.
    Hopefully we can work this out.
    Have a good one.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    There goes the good ole declaration that the customer is always right!
    Daivd I have to say it was pretty inappropriate for a businessman such as your self to hash this out over the internet. Right or wrong! I don't own a Dyna but at one time was looking at them. Not anymore.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Mr. Watts,

    Sorry to lose you as a prospective customer.

    Sincerely: Good luck with whatever you do decide to purchase.

    I apologize you are offended by the correspondence, however I did state that I normally do NOT conduct business or answer these types of posts on the Internet. I feel we did everything possible to provide this customer with a good conclusion to the problem. It was his choice to bring it to the Internet and my choice to answer this problem here.

    I hope in your business you do not have to protect your interests over the Internet. Watch closely, it will happen to every business including yours.

    I do believe in freedom of speech and the right to state anything on the Internet or anywhere a US citizen decides to speak. I have no problem with honest evaluations. That includes my staff and me. I do have problems when facts do not add up and people have to pay a BIG price for inconsistent statements.

    Unfortunately most people believe everything they read on the Internet regardless if it true or not. People relish in problems and turmoil that is sensational. Sensationalism always gains interest because people love to hear about other people’s problems.

    For myself: I don't believe everything I read on the Internet, newspapers, or media. I don't like sensationalism. I don't put down, condemn, or ridicule people, vendors, or customers anywhere. I listen, evaluate, and place a solution into action. Kevin received an offer for a full refund as well as free shipping back to our company. I can't make it any better than that.

    Good luck with your future purchase and have a prosperous 2007,

    David Cress
    Dynamic Plastic, Inc.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    You know I've been sitting back and reading as much as I can about CNC routers and trying to learn a little. I’m learning a lot!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by M.Watts View Post
    There goes the good ole declaration that the customer is always right!
    Daivd I have to say it was pretty inappropriate for a businessman such as your self to hash this out over the internet. Right or wrong! I don't own a Dyna but at one time was looking at them. Not anymore.
    While I enjoy watching a good cat fight as much as the next guy I don't think this is the forum to present a case in the court of public opinion. Neither side comes out looking good. As a small businessman myself I can understand the reaction to defend your company. It's your baby and you have put everything into making it go and it's easy to have that unraveled by what you feel are misleading or false statements. As a customer that has been treated poorly at times I see that side too, but I have learned that the best approach is not a public head-on collision.

    Actually Mr Watts, it's the silence from some of these manufactuers that is scary. I know of several out and out crooks out there selling tables, but you will NEVER see them post on any list. They know that when customers complain, and there is no response from them, that the thread quickly dies and the can go back to delivering junk.

    If you think you are good enough to evaluate a product across the Internet from looking at pictures and reading the website (expecially if you judge the company by the website look and feel) then you are a ripe target for being really ripped off.

    Yes, I have a dog in the hunt (as they say in Texas) since I supply controls to several OEM accounts (DYNACNC being one of them) but I also have embedded knowledge of how these support issues can mushroom out of control. I get dozens of e-mails a month from users with horror stories of poor support or just plan nasty tactics from names that would be familiar to you. Without exception those companies won't respond on an public forum and they have been known to delete negative posts on their private support forums (if they even have one).

    Personally. I think this specific issue had been fought to a bloody draw.

    Dave probably needs to review his organization and possibly give some direction.

    CrashMaster needs to either take the refund that has been offered or keep the machine and deal with it as is. Things like pulleys being bored wrong are irritating, but you can buy off-the-shelf pulleys with specific bores a dozen different places for a few bucks. There are a multitude of sources to help him resolve the other issues as long as it's civil. None of these machines are that complex and there are hundreds (if not thousands) of persons on this list and others that can offer general troubleshooting proceedures and cures.

    That's my story and I'm stik'n with it!:wave:

    Tom Caudle

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    The saying that the customer is always right is the worst statement ever said in the history of the buying/selling world especially now that the days of “a handshake seals the deal” are over.

    One must remember that it’s a buyer's market out there and far too many consumers take advantage of this. There are people out there who put glass in their meals to get rid of a check and there are people who wear items once and leave the tag on for return so they can look good at a one time event.

    Is it wrong of companies like Wal-Mart to restrict the amount of returns a person may have in a given amount of time? As honest consumers we look at this as an inconvenience for ourselves. However, as honest consumers we pay the price in the long run for the fraudulent actions of others. I am not saying that this is a fraudulent accusation by Kev, or mean disrespect to him in any way, but he as a business owner needs to look at this from a business owner’s point of view, not a consumers. Kev, if you do not have employees under you, this may be impossible to fathom.

    As an owner you rely on those under you and accept responsibility for all those under you. I have never seen a shop where a piece was shipped as a bad part and the buyer called the man who machined it, they called the owner of the business who did. The owner would then check his own records, ask for proof of error by the buyer, discuss the matter with the person/persons involved in the error. Then in the case of error MAKE IT RIGHT.

    Usually this process is done on one on one correspondence. I am sure that Dave is not hard to reach through phone or email. Instead this was done for the whole world to see. In my eyes this was what the consumer wanted. Kev was testing Dave, and all of you reading this should be humbled in the fact that a business man who is so sure of his ethics is willing to give you real-time witness of humility, admittance of error for his company’s mistake, and then finishing it with making it right. The only hostility shown by Dave through all of this was nothing more than the agitation that Kev took advantage of the situation by being able to go into the argument with the opportunity to make DynaCNC look bad if he pleased. I don’t feel that he did this, if he fails to take the offer of free return then he is making the mistake and in doing so is undeserving of the offer in the first place.

    The bottom line is that Dave took the fault and admitted a company error. I don’t know about you potential buyers out there, but I know that no company is perfect and I would pick a company whose owner fixes their mistakes over a company that wouldn’t even make it right or worse yet send a customer service rep who says that I am authorize to only do this much and not get anywhere using up time and causing added stress.

    Three cheers for the guys like Dave out there that make business look good and make things right and shame on those of you who make the fraudulent claims in the world (this includes the business owners descrbied who don't have the (nuts) to stand up for their product because they know it's junk). If you didn’t exist, when this stuff happens, it wouldn’t be a big deal to make right the errors made to those who are honest.

    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. -Albert Einstein

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Dyna CNC


    I'd like to state up front that we're completely satisfied with the two 24" x 36" router table kits that we purchased. Alirght, here's the catch, I wasn't happy with the customer service, and the kit being ready 5 weeks late. We ordered two kits in the first week of December and they weren't ready until mid-February. This wouldn't have much of a problem if Sandy had just been straight forward about their growing pains and followed through on returning my calls. Another strange experience was when we arrived at Dyna CNC to pick up our kits. We entered the office, and the lady behind the window looked at us and quickly disappeared. We sat in the waiting area for about ten minutes, and then Sandy greeted us and gave us a quick tour. He's as friendly in person as on the phone!
    I asked Sandy if the kit came with a router mount, and he replied "It comes with a Porter-Cable mount." Sandy had to get the phone, so the shop tech helped us load our kits up. When we asked him for assembly instructions he said they didn't have any. I didn't get his name, but he seemed put-out by us being there. So, we drove back to Portland, dropped of my kit at my shop. Upon inspection we discovered no router mounts, so I called Sandy the following business day. Sandy said he'd email the assembly instructions, and check into the mount for me. He claimed that he'd get back to me the next day. He didn't, so I called him two days later, and he stated that the kit didn't come with the mount and that he'd have to get approval to honor his commitment. I got the instructions a week after pickup, and I only called Sandy one more time about the mount. He never got back to me, and I decided not to pursue it any farther. Currently, my buddy and I each have our machines running and are happy with them. We both run small businesses, and would loose customerst if we communicated this poorly and innaccurately. I'm not trying to discourage anybody from purchasing from Dyna CNC, but wanted to share my experience. Hopefully they'll address these customer service issues.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I think they already have. Sandy is no longer with the company and there has been some "realignment" in tech support and other area's.

    I don't think Dave was totally aware of some of the things his people were doing (or not doing). I know your employees are your company but they don't always operate with the best interests of the customers in mind. It's like judging a family by it's teenagers (:-).

    I have seen this in big companies and small. Somehow customers start to be considered to be a nuience. The good news is that there seems to be a genuine desire to get things corrected at DYNACNC. I can tell you that most companies would not admit to mistakes or even engage in a public debate. In the end the owner has to make hard decisions and put things back on track. DYNACNC builds a good solid machine and has enough units in the field to say that the level of problems are low for the quantity involved. I know that doesn't help the guy that gets a machine with problems but I think you will start to see those issues addressed.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Only time will tell! I think that they sell a great product for the price, and may consider doing business with them again.

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