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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > SprutCAM > SprutCAM 12 soon
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    SprutCAM 12 soon

    Hey guys have you had chance to look at whats changed in SC12? I got email with promo upgrade, looks like a number of changes are coming?

    I have not had time to watch all the video's yet, nor read up

    If you have read and watched what are you looking forward to? I have been quite happy with SC11.5


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    I spent a little time reviewing sc12 help. The entire mill / lathe/ tool table system.... file... whatever.... imho needed a great deal of work and attention. Sadly looks to be the same.
    They added a plunge roughing operation. Looked useful, saves setup time for that type of strategy. I use that method a lot in the past and also found it worked my spindle bearings hard, so I don't always use the strategy. Still having a built in operation helps. They also talked about a new improved simulator. I like the old one just fine. The Interface is changing also, again I thought the old one was clean and ok to work with.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    I'm hoping for general improvements in the UI, especially with machine setup but their YouTube videos haven't touched on that yet. Speaking of which, the quality of those videos seems to be improved over past efforst. Or maybe I'm just learning to think Russian.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    SprutCAM 12 is expected to launch next month with final dates to be determined. Here’s what you can expect:

    New User Interface
    Visualization Improvements
    New 2D CAD integrated into Model Page
    PMI information import
    Painting Simulation
    3rd Party interpreters for G-code based simulation
    New high speed milling strategy: adaptive
    Plunge roughing

    from the email also link


    I want more info on the supposedly new 2D? No video of it yet?

    New 2D CAD integrated into Model page

    New 2D CAD module is based on the new kernel.


    parametric design. User can edit a model with saving selected objects properties or relations between them;
    model can be handled with any parameter because of independence of the model on sequence of objects creation.

    It is possible because we have implemented bidirectional associativity between model elements and parallel technology.

    Older SprutCAM versions projects will be converted automatically when loaded.

    To activate 2D CAD editor press "Sketch" button while being on Model page:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
    I'm hoping for general improvements in the UI, especially with machine setup but their YouTube videos haven't touched on that yet. Speaking of which, the quality of those videos seems to be improved over past efforst. Or maybe I'm just learning to think Russian.
    UI does look simplified with most of the buttons wrapped around window frame. Hole capping option for use during job zone setup also looks very useful. I thought I was only person that was frustrated with how it picked up some features even when block or machined, causing extra movements. Maybe this will help with job zone limits and features it tries to mill. The cool thing about sprut is if auto 3d machine ops are not efficient you can always use 2d ops get it done.

    Wish my cad had full surface links like solid works has. That would be very handy. but I will get by

    I do a lot of 4th axis work these days. I hope the dialogs have not changed much for those ops. It took considerable time to learn what is what and what to set to get best 4axis results.

    They also note they are working to list this app so it works better with virus and fire walls.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    actually had more time to watch few more videos the 2D I'm impressed by what they have now! also the fill option (hole cover) is going to be so useful! I do not have to go back and forth or load new specialized model to skip some sections that need to be machined later time


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    Got the email from Tormach and ordered the upgrade to v12 today....
    Hopefully the improvements are all that and its stable.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    I got the email today, too, and placed an order for an "All Posts" version. I may be picking up a Pocket NC 5-axis table top mill to play around with and correspondence with Sprut a few months ago suggested that they had at least some sort of post support for that machine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    I forget, does the upgrade come via internet download or an actual CD with new new usb dongle in the mail?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul-JB View Post
    I forget, does the upgrade come via internet download or an actual CD with new new usb dongle in the mail?
    I believe they send you the cd still( or I might forget, might be download now from last SC upgrade)? but been using same dongle, I think they upgrade the dongle with some of the files on cd on first install? or something to that effect, also it could be done with the online sign in, on SC but mine is the regular SprutCAM America version, not the Tormach one.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2006

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    According to the email I got today, it looks like it is an installable download along with a license file and uses the old SC11 dongle, possibly earlier dongles as well.

    It will be a few days before I install as there are some pending jobs that must be done first.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    I installed it tonight. Played around for like 5 minutes before swmbo called me up for dinner. Soon as I get back from nightly dog walk I’m going back down and checking it out some more.
    Downloaded it off the sprutcam website and went with the online installer route. Put the activation code they emailed me in using license manager which by the way is now accessible by right clicking on the sprut logo. In 11 the license manager was under the help dropdown.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    Quick note: The install did not provide or install a machine scheme for a Tormach PCNC mill, SB Lathe15 was default for Tormach ONLY post and no PCNC mill to be found .

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    I noticed that also so I copied the PCNC machine and post files over from my v11 folders.
    So far the only issue I am having is with the Solidworks addin. After enabling it most SW assembly files I try to import (like my 5” vise) fail. Some older assemblies work but most don’t. Individual parts come in fine.

  15. #15
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    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul-JB View Post
    I noticed that also so I copied the PCNC machine and post files over from my v11 folders.
    So far the only issue I am having is with the Solidworks addin. After enabling it most SW assembly files I try to import (like my 5” vise) fail. Some older assemblies work but most don’t. Individual parts come in fine.
    The fix was easy. Just had to find the correct directory to copy. Kind of feel bad for Sprut America support has to deal with Tormach users emailing because of problems like that. I remember version 10 had to have the chip pan turned off or it generated collision errors. Silly problems like this on new software releases imho are un-professional and done on purpose!

    My Iron Cad addin works same as before "single part, assembly or multipart assembly and fixture assembly". Key is you better have the folder selected where you want it to go when you press the send to Sprut key. Then if required, drag the fixtures to the fixture folder. I did kind of mess with the addin and uninstall it and then re-enable it. Had to also shut off all the prompts. Fixture assembly files that changed even asked to be updated to new file versions.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    One thing I notice so far is v12 seems to take 3 times as long for the program to launch. Clicking on generate NC to post code also takes an eternity.
    The new interface is different certainly but better is debatable. Could be my computer is showing its age.

  17. #17
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    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul-JB View Post
    One thing I notice so far is v12 seems to take 3 times as long for the program to launch. Clicking on generate NC to post code also takes an eternity.
    The new interface is different certainly but better is debatable. Could be my computer is showing its age.
    I agree, the previous version was slow and this version is even slower. Seams like its searching for something.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    I've been diddling with SC12 off and on for the past few days and it seems fast enough to me, but I'm only working on a simple job so far. The Slant Bed lathe definition seems even worse than before, though, and it seems to have lost all but one of my tool definitions. For some screwy reason, the SBL-15 definition loads with the spindle aligned along X and a secondary coordinate system aligned as an offset from G54 that the work definition seems to be aligned with. Very confusing. The ZX lathe definition seems better, but I sure wish the SBL-15 definition was more intuitive to work with.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    How much kost a licence from Sprutcam?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: SprutCAM 12 soon

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimko45 View Post
    How much kost a licence from Sprutcam?
    You'll have to check with the distributor in your country. SprutCAM lists them on their web site, I think. In the US that would be SprutCAMAmerica, which is part of Tormach. They offer a price break for Tormach machine owners compared to the general machining public.

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