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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > G-Code Programing > Need full list of G CODES AND M CODES FOR FANUC 21I
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Arrow Need full list of G CODES AND M CODES FOR FANUC 21I



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    0 rapid positioning
    G1 linear interpolation
    G2 circular/helical interpolation (clockwise)
    G3 circular/helical interpolation (c-clockwise)
    G4 dwell
    G10 coordinate system origin setting
    G17 xy plane selection
    G18 xz plane selection
    G19 yz plane selection
    G20 inch system selection
    G21 millimeter system selection
    G40 cancel cutter diameter compensation
    G41 start cutter diameter compensation left
    G42 start cutter diameter compensation right
    G43 tool length offset (plus)
    G49 cancel tool length offset
    G53 motion in machine coordinate system
    G54 use preset work coordinate system 1
    G55 use preset work coordinate system 2
    G56 use preset work coordinate system 3
    G57 use preset work coordinate system 4
    G58 use preset work coordinate system 5
    G59 use preset work coordinate system 6
    G59.1 use preset work coordinate system 7
    G59.2 use preset work coordinate system 8
    G59.3 use preset work coordinate system 9
    G80 cancel motion mode (includes canned)
    G81 drilling canned cycle
    G82 drilling with dwell canned cycle
    G83 chip-breaking drilling canned cycle
    G84 right hand tapping canned cycle
    G85 boring, no dwell, feed out canned cycle
    G86 boring, spindle stop, rapid out canned
    G87 back boring canned cycle
    G88 boring, spindle stop, manual out canned
    G89 boring, dwell, feed out canned cycle
    G90 absolute distance mode
    G91 incremental distance mode
    G92 offset coordinate systems
    G92.2 cancel offset coordinate systems
    G93 inverse time feed mode
    G94 feed per minute mode
    G98 initial level return in canned cycles
    G1 X0.0 Y1.0 F20.0 ----go to X1.0, Y0.0 at a feed rate of 20 inches/minute
    G2 X1.0 Y0.0 I0.0 J-1.0 ----go in an arc from X0.0, Y1.0 to X1.0 Y0.0, with the center of the arc at X0.0, Y0.0
    G1 X0.0 Y1.0 F20.0 ----go to X1.0, Y0.0 at a feed rate of 20 inches/minute
    G2 X1.0 Y0.0 R1.0 ----go in an arc from X0.0, Y1.0 to X1.0 Y0.0, with a radius of R=1.0
    G53 motion in machine coordinate system
    G54 use preset work coordinate system 1
    G55 use preset work coordinate system 2
    G56 use preset work coordinate system 3
    G57 use preset work coordinate system 4
    G58 use preset work coordinate system 5
    G59 use preset work coordinate system 6
    G59.1 use preset work coordinate system 7
    G59.2 use preset work coordinate system 8
    G59.3 use preset work coordinate system 9
    M0 program stop
    M1 optional program stop
    M2 program end
    M3 turn spindle clockwise
    M4 turn spindle counterclockwise
    M5 stop spindle turning
    M6 tool change
    M7 mist coolant on
    M8 flood coolant on
    M9 mist and flood coolant off
    M26 enable automatic b-axis clamping
    M27 disable automatic b-axis clamping
    M30 program end, pallet shuttle, and reset
    M48 enable speed and feed overrides
    M49 disable speed and feed overrides
    M60 pallet shuttle and program stop
    group 1 = {G0, G1, G2, G3, G80, G81, G82, G83, G84, G85, G86, G87, G88, G89} - motion
    group 2 = {G17, G18, G19} - plane selection
    group 3 = {G90, G91} - distance mode
    group 5 = {G93, G94} - spindle speed mode
    group 6 = {G20, G21} - units
    group 7 = {G40, G41, G42} - cutter diameter compensation
    group 8 = {G43, G49} - tool length offset
    group 10 = {G98, G99} - return mode in canned cycles
    group12 = {G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59, G59.1, G59.2, G59.3} coordinate system selection
    group 2 = {M26, M27} - axis clamping
    group 4 = {M0, M1, M2, M30, M60} - stopping
    group 6 = {M6} - tool change
    group 7 = {M3, M4, M5} - spindle turning
    group 8 = {M7, M8, M9} - coolant
    group 9 = {M48, M49} - feed and speed override bypass
    [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    There are other codes; the type codes can be thought of like registers in a computer
    X absolute position
    Y absolute position
    Z absolute position
    A position (rotary around X)
    B position (rotary around Y)
    C position (rotary around Z)
    U Relative axis parallel to X
    V Relative axis parallel to Y
    W Relative axis parallel to Z
    M code (another "action" register or Machine code(*)) (otherwise referred to as a "Miscellaneous" function")
    F feed rate
    S spindle speed
    N line number
    R Arc radius or optional word passed to a subprogram/canned cycle
    P Dwell time or optional word passed to a subprogram/canned cycle
    T Tool selection
    I Arc data X axis
    J Arc data Y axis.
    K Arc data Z axis, or optional word passed to a subprogram/canned cycle
    D Cutter diameter/radius offset
    H Tool length offset

    Partial list of M-Codes
    M00=Program Stop (non-optional)
    M01=Optional Stop, machine will only stop if operator selects this option
    M02=End of Program
    M03=Spindle on (CW rotation)
    M04=Spindle on (CCW rotation)
    M05=Spindle Stop
    M06=Tool Change
    M07=Coolant on (flood)
    M08=Coolant on (mist)
    M09=Coolant off
    M10=Pallet clamp on
    M11=Pallet clamp off
    M30=End of program/rewind tape (may still be required for older CNC machines)

    G00 Rapid positioning
    G01 Linear interpolation
    G02 CW circular interpolation
    G03 CCW circular interpolation
    G04 Dwell
    G05.1 Q1. Ai Nano contour control
    G05 P10000 HPCC
    G07 Imaginary axis designation
    G09 Exact stop check
    G10/G11 Programmable Data input/Data write cancel
    G12 CW Circle Cutting
    G13 CCW Circle Cutting
    G17 X-Y plane selection
    G18 X-Z plane selection
    G19 Y-Z plane selection
    G20 Programming in inches
    G21 Programming in mm
    G28 Return to home position
    G30 2nd reference point return
    G31 Skip function (used for probes and tool length measurement systems)
    G33 Constant pitch threading
    G34 Variable pitch threading
    G40 Tool radius compensation off
    G41 Tool radius compensation left
    G42 Tool radius compensation right
    G43 Tool height offset compensation negative
    G44 Tool height offset compensation positive
    G45 Axis offset single increase
    G46 Axis offset single decrease
    G47 Axis offset double increase
    G48 Axis offset double decrease
    G49 Tool offset compensation cancel
    G50 Define the maximum spindle speed
    G53 Machine coordinate system
    G54 to G59 Work coordinate systems
    G54.1 P1 to P48 Extended work coordinate systems
    G73 High speed drilling canned cycle
    G74 Left hand tapping canned cycle
    G76 Fine boring canned cycle
    G80 Cancel canned cycle
    G81 Simple drilling cycle
    G82 Drilling cycle with dwell
    G83 Peck drilling cycle
    G84 Tapping cycle
    G84.2 Direct right hand tapping canned cycle
    G90 Absolute programming (type B and C systems)
    G91 Incremental programming (type B and C systems)
    G92 Programming of absolute zero point
    G94/G95 Inch per minute/Inch per revolution feed (type A system) Note: Some CNCs use the SI unit system
    G96 Constant surface speed
    G97 Constant Spindle speed
    G98/G99 Return to Initial Z plane/R plane in canned cycle

    I think If you have any more confusion mail me on [email protected]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    G-codes will be pretty standard from control to control depending on if it is a lathe or a mill. However when you get into some of the non standard M-codes you have to be careful. These can mean different things and are dictated by the MTB. If you need to know specifics of your machine then you should call the MTB and get the proper list. Also some G-codes will be different depending on the G-code system you are using A,B,C.

    I also attached a spreadsheet with some info regarding system variables, programing etc. that may help. Can not get the spreadsheet to attach to this post. Attachments must be down so I will try later.


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