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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Esprit > Esprit Platinum for EDM Problem .. not selecting geometry
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Question Esprit Platinum for EDM Problem .. not selecting geometry

    Hi All,

    Last week, my computer hard drive crashed. I've had to re-install my Esprit 2011 software for Wire EDM.

    To program my Mitsubishi EDM [4th axis programming], I create the 3-D geometry in AutoCAD and then open the drawing in Esprit. So far, so good. Everything looks like it is supposed to look.

    However, when I now attempt to select this geometry, Esprit will accept the first 'click', turing the piece of geometry 'gray' [but doesn't have the geometry tag that it usually shows], then, when I do the second 'click' instead of turning 'blue' and keeping the selection, the piece of geometry turns back to original color and is now unselected.

    My dongle IS working, the light is on.

    Is there a setting I need to change? Or did something go wrong with installing the software?

    I am going to try calling the software reseller; but since my company did not keep up with the maintenance contract, I do not know how much assistance they will give me. My user name & password no longer works on the DP Technologies web-site.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can offer!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    are you holding down control on the second click, the colors don't mean anything you can set them to whatever.
    select the geometry using control select then make a chain(feature).I just use the mill part for my edm the wire
    package just sets up epacks for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Yes, I am holding down the control key!

    Just and FYI .. I have been using this software for almost 2 years now ..

    My problem is that the software is not responding in the same manner as it did with the original install.

    Usually, the first click on the geometry [for example,selecting a line] would change the color of the geometry and add a tag such as L1 [line one]. The geometry would not be actually selected until a second mouse click was done to say, 'Yes, that's the geometry I want!' ... my software is no longer performing in this manner.

    Thank you for your input! It is always appreciated!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    ok what about you addins are they all turned on (group manager)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    No, they aren't! I forgot about those! I will check them out.

    Got another issue now too .. my custom Post processor will no longer work.
    I am receiving all sorts of machine errors and it will not output g-code.

    One issue at a time I guess! I will check my add-ins. Thanks!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    you proably lost file locations also oh what fun been there

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Fun ... you got that right!

    I just spent 6 hours getting my AutoCAD 2012 settings back to where they were supposed to be. My IT tech is no help .. "I don't know those softwares .. you are on your own". I am much more familiar with AutoCAD and MasterCAM then I am with Esprit.

    I may just make my company bite the bullet and re-up the maintenance contract on Esprit.
    [I have a headache ...!!]

    Thank you again for your help!
    At least after this is all over, I may be able to help someone else who might comae across the same difficulties!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I was a powermill programmer for 12 years and then I took this job using Esprit.
    On my 2nd year now it is different than other cams. It works real good for mill/turn or swiss.
    And thats what I'm here for to learn somthing different and make more money

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hey ~ Woo-hoo!

    Just wanted to let you know that I am up & running!
    Your mentioning the file locations was a big HELP towards getting me on the right track!

    FYI ... I've been programming CNC's now for 23 years .. used ALL SORTS of software too .. [yeah ..I'm old!]
    ... but .. I really dislike the first setup of software. Most especially when I've had things tweaked & setup once already!
    I work for a large corporation .. this seems to happen quite often .. having to re-set things!!

    Good luck in your future .. thanks for the help!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Started in the 80's myself on a pad on paper. My first cad cam was an bridgeport EZ cam with floppys the were 12 inch
    punched out code on a paper tape. Kids dont know how lucky they are to start on a windows based system.

    not too old to learn new tricks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    AHA!! Then you remember those old Flexwriters!

    I was once hired for a position because I was the only one who knew how to use that piece of equipment!

    Yep .. pencil, paper, & calculator .. hand drawn setup sheets .. fun!

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