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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > Professional Web Sites
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Question Professional Web Sites

    One of my pet peeves is bad spelling and bad grammar on commercial web sites. I am somewhat anal about it, even. But, hey, these are supposed to be professional sites! If they can't even get the basic grammar right, how can I trust their product? I can understand typos in a spur o f moment forum setting but when you are presenting yourself professionally, you should try to make a best first impression.
    I have visited several of the sponsors of this place and found some that just didn't make the grade (in my book). How much trouble is it to run a spell check, anyway? Some webmasters should be ashamed of themselves.
    How do you feel about this? Do presentation mistakes influence your buying decision? Or, do you buy based entirely on product evaluation/reputation/other?

    robotic regards,

    = = = = =
    All gave some. Some gave all.
    Winston Churchill

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Absolutely.... I can't believe that a company that cannot spell or code simple HTML can expect to pull in $7,000 for a piece of software... I am a Web Master for one of the largest companies in the country. Chances are that at least 65% of the readers of this board write my company a check 1-2 times a year. We would be absolutely hammered by our PR department for some of the mistakes that I've seen on web sites. I'm pretty confident that I can judge just how much a company is gouging people on their software by the sheer number of errors on their home page. It's proportional IMHO.

    (Oh, and it only took about 10 seconds to spell check this post.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I noticed this also. Unfortunately, we cannot force them to change it. But if they're reading this, they may see that people do notice it and it may sway customers the other direction.

    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    spelling mistakes might influence people when deciding on buying.
    Did you see the spelling mistakes on some of the cnc machines you can buy these days?
    What's a flopy drive? My Hitachi edm has one..... It works exactly the same as a floppy drive...LOL! I think stuff like this happens when Japanese gets translated to English, German etc.
    I said to the guys that imported the machine that i want a 20% discount off the purchase price next time i buy a new one for all the spelling mistakes.....

    *** KloX ***
    I'm lazy, I'm only "sparking" when the EDM is running....

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