I am new to this site and I was hopping that someone out there could give me some feed back on a couple of machines I am looking to buy.
The first is a 1989 supermax tc2 cnc lathe with a fanuc control.
The second is a 2003 kia 15ls with a fanuc control.
I am a job shop and I do a lot of 1018, and stainless material. I also do a lot of 6061 alum and some brass. Most of the parts will not be any larger than
4" dia. in size.
We have never had a lathe in our shop before and we are looking to expand our work capabilities. I have run lathes @ a few other shop I worked at but I never payed any attention to the details of the machines.
So I wanted to know what I should look for in wear on the machines.
How happy you are with the machine and its capabilities, reliability,ease to use.
Will I have any problems with either of these machines running the materials I run?