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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    RF 45 Clone build

    Hi all, I'm currently in the slow process of converting my new HF46 (RF45 Clone) https://www.machineryhouse.com.au/Pr...stockCode=M124

    I think i am having some touble with the electrics side of things thou

    I have the 3 Axis nema 34 Servo package from kelinginc with the 1125oz servos. I'm currently trying to set them up on their own before attaching them to the mill but i'm having some difficulties in the Mach3 Motor Tuning page.

    The best i can get my motors to do is

    Which equates to roughly 52rpm (manually counted with a watch) what am i doing wrong?? if i have the velocity/accel any higher the G320X just faults instantly...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    You need to give some more info.

    Pulley ratio, PS voltage, ballscrew or acme screw, which axes is driven.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Well currently nothing is hooked up, i just have all the elctrononics hooked up to the PC free spinning.

    Driver is a G320X, Working on X axis atm, its a 72V PSU, i would have though these things should free spin at something a little higher then 52RPM ? once i have then running correctly ill be attaching them to the stock lead screws via timing belts i have 15t 30t and 44t pulleys to choose ratios from

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Oh and to add to that.. i can only get it working at all if i hook my motor up in reverse polarity red to black etc otherwise it just free spins (really fast) and computer control dosnt work at all

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Well i finally figured it out, i had attached capacitors to my Encoders because initially they were wired up "correctly" causing them to spin out of control.. while i was trying to fix that i read that HEDS encoders needed the capacitor so i attached that and still had issues... i then reversed the wiring and got to the stage i was at before of about 52RPM max speed....

    I tried a fresh Encoder with no capacitor and still using reverse wiring and now its all working as i suspect it should =) time to hook them up to the mill now

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Servos don't work at all unless properly tuned. Read the G320 documentation.

    Ray L.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tuning takes a fair amount of time and the load or at least the screw needs to be driven.

    If you over damp them they will run hotter and fault easier.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanks guys, as i said it was an encoder issue, i removed the capacitors (which i read i needed) and everything is working fine motor does full RPM etc can have aggressive acceleration, now i can try to tune them really wish i had an oscilloscope haha

    Still have to wire them in reverse polarity thou *shrugs* doesn't seem to be an issue thou

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Your step and direction pulse widths look mighty small at ZERO.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by banshee343 View Post
    Thanks guys, as i said it was an encoder issue, i removed the capacitors (which i read i needed) and everything is working fine motor does full RPM etc can have aggressive acceleration, now i can try to tune them really wish i had an oscilloscope haha

    Still have to wire them in reverse polarity thou *shrugs* doesn't seem to be an issue thou
    You can't tune servos off the machine - tuning requires having the full machine load present.

    Ray L.

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