Some time back I posted a question about how to get the proper finish
in the main housing on a wankle rotary model engine I was working on.
I made something using a dremel but I was unimpressed with the design.
Anyways, I was searching on the web and found this:
I was prepared to purchase it and then wondered if I could make it
myself. So I checked and found the pencil die grinder at good ole
Harbour freight. The die grinder was 19.99, on sale right now. I had
an old spindle laying around (from when my shop caught on fire) pulled
out the bearings and made some spacers from aluminum to center up the
die grinder added some set screws and voila.
60K rpms, this should be enough the get the finish I am after on my
engine. (c:

Now if I could only figure out how to accurately setup/align one of the test housings so that it was laying on its side with the veritcal axis of the housing running parallel to the x axis of my milling table. Then I could center the grinding attachment up using the round exterior. Any ideas?
