I did a dogpile search and found a thread on cnczone from a HAAS tech who said he cut his cnc teeth on a Leblond Makino MC40. My company just bought a new HAAS VF-6. It was delivered 2 wks ago. They also bought an old 1986 MC40 with a fanuc 6M and gave me the pleasure of putting the thing together and getting it running. So far I've had limited success, it powers up ok and home positions on all 4 axis but I don't know enough about the machine to get it to do anything else. I tried calling Leblond but since the machine was purchased used they won't talk to us unless we pay $2500.00 a year for tech help.
I apologize for using the HAAS forum for this *#/:* machine but I saw no Leblond Makino category and I'm getting desperate.
Thanks for any help you may have for me.