After reading many posts on CNCZone, I wanted to start designing my own machine. After many hours of latenight solid modeling, I decided that progress was too slow.

Then I found the JGRO design. So I started modifying that one to fit my purposes. I wanted a larger cutting area. But then started worrying about the machine flexing too much.

Then I found Joe's design. It had everything I needed. I ordered and received the parts kit and am starting the build now. I can't post any pictures yet because my computer currently isn't recognizing my camera. I'll post pictures when I can get them uploaded.

My log updates and progress will probably be much slower than most of the threads I read here. My workplace blocks anything that even resembles a forum. No lunchtime posting for me. Family and home repairs occupy most of the rest of my time.

A bit about me: I am a software engineer that has been involved in automotive electronics (both hardware and software) for years. Back in the early 90's, I worked on several CNC related projects until I changed jobs. Those were some of the most interesting and fun projects I have worked on. So I am getting back into the CNC world. But this time as a hobby.

I'll post more when I can.
