I have a O-T control 2 axis lathe Yang , the parameters were reset by operator, when I power on the follow alarms show up.

100 PS Alarm
417 servo alarm x axis dgtl param
427 servo alarm z axis dgtl param

It is in MDI mode, PWE = 1 but unable to enter parameters, Hydraulics will not start, and I can get rid of alarm 100 by hitting reset and cancel.

I can enter a offset, by hitting x and the number then input, it shows on the offset screen, so the control is not locked up.

I have a copy of the parameters, but when I go to the parameter and push the numbers I do not see anything on the screen and hitting input does nothing, I can cursor over to all the numbers some do have numbers, but most are all 0's, maybe I need to delete all and start over?

Please help, Thanks