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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > Testing program for Macro (Fanuc Macro B)
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Testing program for Macro (Fanuc Macro B)

    Hello there everyone,

    I´ve been searching all around for a program that can help me "test" programs that includes If, while etc, the commands from Custom Macro B.

    I´ve started and education that includes alot of cnc, so im very new to it all, so i might be clueless about alot of stuff(Just so you know ^^)

    Anyway i hope you guys can help me out (:

    Best Regards
    Nick. DP

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Check out NCPlot v2 at www.ncplot.com, it will allow you to run your macro programs step-by-step. Should help get you started.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MetLHead View Post

    Check out NCPlot v2 at www.ncplot.com, it will allow you to run your macro programs step-by-step. Should help get you started.

    I'll download the trial right away, thanks for the quick reply.


    Now that program works wonders!.

    Thanks again, that realy got me started
    Nick, The Newbie Programmer

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