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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Second Annual CNC-Workshop

    CNC users, vendors and DIY'ers

    The web page for the Second Annual CNC-Workshop is now up and running - We had a great workshop last year and it will be even better this year - Check it out at
    www.CNC-Workshop.com and click on the Registration area to make your reservations - See you

    Roland Friestad,
    Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    With just a bit more than 2 months from now, the 2nd annual cnc workshop will be here! We all had a great time last year. I can only imagine it being even bigger and better (and hopefully cooler!) this year! I hope we have even more people show up this year, as it was great meeting so many of the people "face to face" that we have talked to on the web. It's a great show for everybody from the "newby's" to the seasoned "veterans"!
    I will also be doing some aluminum casting and anodizing demonstrations as well as runnin' the RickOmatic! Hope to see ya there! Rick

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    If you were not able to be at last years workshop, it would be hard to understand how much knowledge was there. I came home thinking that enough brain power was there to build a space shuttle. Come this year if you possiably can. I'll see you there.
    never set a pace that you can't maintain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hey all,

    I am putting on a OneCNC class for both Mill and Lathe, I am a Mach user, and there is a Mach mill and lathe going to be set up there. So, if you would like to take the class to see what this software CAD/Cam can do, and then Cut the part that YOU want to see done on the local machines there, sign up for the class!! (note the parts will obviously have to be within the machining capability of the lathe and mill, and available tooling. I don't work for OneCNC, I am just a satified user, I use it on my Shoptask (now 5 axis mill/2axis lathe), 3 in 1. From what I understand from Roland there will be a bench top mill, and possible a retrofitted BP mill, and a medium sized lathe. This will be my first time doing something like this, so I ask forgiveness in advanced if it is not "polished". I put in for 2 three hour classes, (I am bring a laptop projector so you can see what I am doing), the last class is at night, so we can run as late as necessary if we run over.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Cnc-workshop gettin' closer.....

    Well the weather is gettin' warmer. The days are gettin' longer (more sunlight anyway) and the cnc workshop is just around the corner! Anyway, I put a Yahoo group site up for anybody who was there to make any comments about last year, or any comments about this year. Maybe see who is going or not, share a ride or room? Whatever....Got pics from last year? PLEASE stick em' in a folder for everyboby to see!
    We all had a great time last year, and I can only imagine it will be even better this year! See ya there! Rick

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    correct address

    Whoa, that was weird.... Here is the correct address (I hope)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Ok this ain't funny...

    Ok, it copied and pasted ok, but didn't come thru right. Hmmm

    Anyway, go to Yahoo groups, and search for cnc-workshop. Rick

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    the address is being filtered somehow

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Gettin' closer....

    I spoke briefly with Roland at the N.A.M.E.S. Show last weekend and he was going to be updating the website with new info. Well, that hasn't happened yet. I can only imagine that he is REALLY busy getting ready for all of us coming! And actually, the site looks pretty complete.
    Of course, I don't have half of the things ready that I wanted to bring ready. Just not enough hours in the day.. or night...or afternoon.. LOL!
    Anyway, a LOT of great people are coming, and I will be demonstrating "cheap and free" cnc, Aluminum casting, and anodizing. I am sure the week will go by far faster than I want it too!
    Hope to see a lot of you there!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    workshop update...

    Roland has updated the website www.cnc-workshop.com
    Check out the classroom and demonstration page! There may not be enought time to eat and sleep with so much going on all week!!!
    Two weeks to go!!! The EMC guys better bring the industrial size no-doze!!! LOL! If you want to comment on the workshop or try to share a ride, go to the Yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CNCWORKSHOP/
    Hope to see a lot of you there again this year! Rick

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Pages updated again!

    Well Roland certainly has been busy this weekend! Two updates! The latest and most probably the last one needed, is the classroom dates and times. A lot more than just cnc stuff this year! Hope to see a lot of you there!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    More additions!

    Less than two weeks to go! There are some more classes and workshops added!! One week may not be enough......

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    One week and countin'....

    Well we're about a week away from the show. Weather is cooler, gas costs more. WHO CARES! We're going to sit around and talk CNC! Oh, do I talk! Morning to night! A little food and "liquid" refreshment once in a while just to keep alive...See ya all there! Rick

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Only days away....

    Well, Monday starts the cnc-workshop. Last year a lot of guys were taking pictures, but not many were posted. Thanks to Errol Groff,there were some at his website. Wayne Hill also posted some at the yahoo group site.
    This year I will be uploading them to a folder on the yahoo site during the entire week. The link is on the www.cnc-workshop.com page. Check it out daily to see what's going on there! See ya there! Rick

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Workshop has started!

    Well, Monday is done. It was/is cold and rainy, but we all had a good day! I posted some pics at the yahoo group site. I will post the days pics every night in a different folder. My camera is crapin' out, so I lost a few pictures. I will make some of the other guys help me out Tuesday. Darn tired (and sore throat from talkin'!) The link is at www.cnc-workshop.com RickOmatic

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Tuesdays pictures

    Well, I have most of the tuesdays pics at the yahoo group page. Rainy, but warmer (somewhat) Crashed the RickOmatic z axis, right after we had the 20,000 rpm spindle runnin' real sweet! Got it back together ok. Lets not do that again!!!!!! I'll change the names on all the pics next week, so you will know who the guys are. Very tired....Rick

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Wednesday update...

    Sun finally came out! Cast some aluminum today, Bill Volna did a lot more anodizing demos Art (mach software) came in and was swamped....Emc guys are in the other building doing something? (way over my head!) LOL!!!!
    Posted more pics at the yahoo site. Swap meet tables are FULL of cool stuff! Well, gotta some sleep. Rick

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Second annual cnc-workshop is done...

    Wow! What a great week!! The weather was pretty bad for most of the week, but, by the Friday BBQ it was pretty nice. A good time was had by all!!
    It will take me about a week to finish up the pictures on the yahoo group site (cncworkshop) and I'll post a few in the rickomatic folder here. See ya all next year! Rick

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Pictures are up...

    I put a few of the photos in my folder from the show(rickomatic). More at the Yahoo group "cncworkshop". I'll add more when I recuperate during the week! Rick

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