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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Fanuc 11M RS232

    Well this is a new one on me.
    Cable works on machine close by and what settings I can see all make sense but
    when I go to send the program I get an
    SR 830 data set Ready down (RS232C_2) Alarm.
    Books tell you the same thing but do not give a solution.I tried using a differant chanel and no help. Checked out Parameter 5000 and 2100s and everything looks good.
    It is a used machine that I am just about to commision and this is the last piece to the puzzle now.
    Any ideas out there?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I would use a three wire rs232 cable if you do not already have.
    This is has the hardware handshake jumpered, on a 25 pin connector use 2,3 and 7 for connection and 4-5 6-8-20 are jumpered, on a 9 pin 2,3, and 5 are connection and jumper 1-4-6 7-8.
    Here is a link you may find usefull with detailed info. http://www.cadem.com/ncnet/dnc-detai.../fanuc-11m.pdf
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    DR alarm on Fanuc 11M

    The DR signal is on pin #6 of the Fanuc's serial plug. If the DR signal is off (low), you'll get this alarm when you try to send or receive.

    As Al_The_Man said, the usual Fanuc cable has pins 6, 8, and 20 jumpered together on the Fanuc end of the cable, and this is supposed to prevent the alarm. Pin 20 is supposed to turn on (go high) when the Fanuc tries to send or receive, and the jumper from pin 20 to pin 6 prevents the DR alarm. The jumper from pin 20 to pin 8 prevents a similar alarm for the CD signal on pin 8.

    I recently encountered a Fanuc 11M that would throw the DR alarm even though the 6-8-20 jumper was in place. Turned out that that machine had a blown output on pin #20, so the jumper wasn't doing the job. I connected pins 6 & 8 on the Fanuc to the DTR signal on the PC side, and that fixed the problem. On the PC side, the DTR signal is on pin #4 (if you have a 9-pin plug) or pin 20 (if you have a 25-pin plug).

    Actually, you could jumper pins 6 and 8 to pin 4 on the Fanuc side also. Pin 4 (RTS) also turns on when the Fanuc tries to send/receive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    You are all right!

    I just got back from fixing the machine and it now works.
    I was using the cable from a machine close by that is a 16 control and I do not have the jumpers in it and it works on the 16 series cotrol.
    I put the jumpers in and away it went.
    Questions now,
    1}why do you not need these jumpers on the 15 control?
    2}Can I go higher than 9600 baud on the 11 control?Tried to use next number up in baud (12 I think) but got a baud rate alarm.
    I know 9600 is not bad speed but for big programs it seems so slow.
    I use 19200 whenever I can.

    Thank you al for fixing this for me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I just started to get this same alarm on an existing rs232 working machine. ( 3+ Years )

    ( SR 830 DR OFF ( 2 ) )
    Mori Seiki SL20 Fanuc 10T

    RS232 was working yesterday, now I get the alarm today when trying to read and punch programs.

    Is it the machine or the rs232 cable ?
    I get the alarm even when the cable is not attached to the machine.

    Is it possible to get this alarm with out the cable attached to the machine, and the cable would still be the problem ?

    Is there a simple way to diagnose the problem ?

    I'm hoping it is the cable as it follows some conduit and it is zip tied to the machine.
    After all these years of using it it may have finally broke somewhere from vibration.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    If you are using the fully populated cable, it is possible that a the cable has a problem.
    If not it could be the port defective, I had one like that I had to switch over to the operator panel Connector instead of the Main Board connector to get it working, you really need a RS232 break out box to trouble shoot the port.
    I have a Fanuc 10 RS232 manual if you need send me an P.M. with email add.
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Fanuc 11 checks to see if the device that is connected to its RS232 port is ready before sending or receiving. When you try to punch or read, the Fanuc first turns on the output signals on pin 20 (DTR) and pin 4 (RTS). It then checks to see if there's an INPUT signal on pin 6 (DR) and pin 8 (CD). If there is no signal on either one of those two inputs, it will throw an alarm.

    Normally, we connect a jumper between the Fanuc's pin 20 (an output) and pins 6 and 8 (two inputs). This three-pin jumper defeats these alarms.

    Once the CNC sees that these two input signals are on, it then tries to send data. It can't send any data, however, if the signal on pin 5 (CTS) is not on. This is the hardware handshake line, and the other device (your PC) can make the Fanuc start and stop sending data by controlling pin 5. If you want the Fanuc to send data even if there is no other device connected, you'll need to jumper pins 4 and 5 on the Fanuc also.

    I sometimes make up a "dummy plug", which is a 25-pin male connector with pins 4 & 5 jumpered, and pins 6-8-20 jumpered. With this dummy plug inserted, the Fanuc should be able to send data with no external device connected. Without the dummy plug or an external device connected, you will always get the "DR off " alarm.

    The Fanuc 11 also has more than one serial port, depending on the type of operator's panel that's used and it's internal board configuration. It's possible to make parameter settings that will have the Fanuc 11 try to send data out the wrong port, which will cause this same "DR off" alarm even if your device is plugged in. This is because the Fanuc is checking a different port for the device and doesn't find one. If someone was changing your parameters before your Fanuc 11 stopped working, let us know and we'll try to help you with that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    No one was changing any parameters.

    My shop is a one man show ( owner / operator ) so no one else was messing around with anything.

    I'm guessing and hoping that the problem is in the cable.

    Does anybody have the cable layout available to make a new one ?

    PS My control is a 10T I just jumped into an existing thread about the same problem.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Several cable configurations will work. Here's the one we make for the 10/11 series controls:

    25-pin male (Fanuc side) -------------- 9-pin female (PC side)

    pin 1 ---------------- cable shield
    pin 2 ------------------------------------ pin 2
    pin 3 ------------------------------------ pin 3
    pin 5 ------------------------------------ pin 7
    pin 7 ------------------------------------ pin 5
    pin 6 -----
    pin 8 ----- <-- jumper these 3 together
    pin 20 ----

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Well I went to the shop and tried it this morning.

    I loaded several programs in the controls memory with out making any changes to anything.

    So I thought I would take the 25 pin end apart on the cable everything looked fine.
    I used my volt meter to make sure all jumpers were making a good connection from the inside of the plug to the outside.

    Everything looked good.

    Put it all back together, loaded several more programs and then it quit working again.

    I almost wonder if there isn't a loose connection somwhere on the machine side of the 25 pin.

    I even went as far as jumping out the Fanuc side with short pieces of wire ( dummy plug ) to rule out the cable and could not get it to work again.

    If it is the Fanuc side, which I think it may be, why did it work this morning and quite working this afternoon without even making any chips on the machine ?

    How do I go about using another serial port ?

    Oh, and I'm also getting another alarm once and a while.
    ( SR831 )

    Thanks guys.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Trace the serial cable from the Fanuc's 25 pin plug to where it's plugged in to a Fanuc circuit board. Let me know if it's plugged in to a 20-pin Honda plug on the operator's panel (near the CRT) or if it's plugged into the main PCB.

    Many Fanuc 10s and 11s have tiny fuses on the output pins (pin 20), so it may be that you've blown one of those fuses. If you can find an LED tester for the serial port, that would tell you if the pin 20 and pin 4 outputs are OK. Here's an example of an LED tester:


    With this tester plugged into the CNC (and your cable plugged into the other end of the tester), you should see low voltage (green) lights on DTR and RTS. When you try to PUNCH or READ from the Fanuc, those two signals should turn high (Red). The absence of a signal means that the fuse is blown.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    After my last post I powered up the machine again and I was able to read programs.

    I read in several programs waited about 5 miutes and tried again to read in some more.
    At that point I started getting the alarms again ( SR830 SR831).
    The machine was sitting idle the whole time.

    I waited about 10 miutes and I was able to read in again.
    At that point I just powered down the machine. ( I didn't know what to think. )

    I opened up the operator panel and followed the 25 pin connector ( labeled CD1 ).
    It goes into the cabinet at the rear of the machine.
    I was not able to locate it in that cabinet yet. ( without looking at the schematic )
    I'm assuming it goes into a board.

    Why is my problem so intermitant ?

    If it was a bad fuse, would it be intermitant failure ?

    Any idea what board CD1 plugs into ?


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You're right. If a fuse was blown, the problem would not be intermitant.

    Has the 25-pin female plug on the outside of the Fanuc had a lot of use (frequent plugging and unplugging) ? I've seen connectors where the sockets were just worn out from use. I've also seen connectors that had lots of oil & dirt between the pins, which shorted them out.

    You have either a poor connection somewhere, or else you have a low voltage output on pin 20 due to a partially blown driver IC.. Here's what you can try:

    Instead of jumpering pins 6, 8 and 20 together on the Fanuc side of your cable, try to find the wire that goes to pin 4 on the PC (the 9-pin) side. Attach this wire to pins 6 and 8 on the Fanuc side and forget about using pin 20 on the Fanuc. Here's the alternative cable:

    25-pin male (Fanuc side) ----------- 9-pin female (PC side)

    pin 1 --------------- shield
    pin 2 ------------------------------- pin 2
    pin 3 ------------------------------- pin 3
    pin 5 ------------------------------- pin 7
    pin 7 ------------------------------- pin 5
    pins 6 and 8 ------------------------ pin 4

    This will use the DTR output from the PC to hold pins 6 and 8 high instead of using the DTR output on the Fanuc side. Either one should work, but if your pin 20 output on the Fanuc is bad, this should fix it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The thought of a bad 25 pin connector crossed my mind.

    I actually blew out the Fanuc side with a small amount of forced air and I used a pick to try to tighten some of the holes on the female side.

    We bought this machine used in 2006 in great shape and we keep it very clean.
    But that doesn't mean the last owner didn't plug and unplug the 25 pin.

    I thought of 2 other things I could do also.

    Replace the 25 pin female with a new end on the machine.

    Or why couldn't I short out 6, 8, and 20 on the inside of the machine on the 25 pin female.

    What do you mean by a a partially blown driver IC ?
    Is this something I should be concerned about ?


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    I ended up calling in FANUC for a service call.

    They had a pretty good idea of what the problem was before they even got to my place.

    On the motherboard there are two buffer chips that control RS232 communication. ( PUNCH and RECEIVE )

    They needed to be replaced, mostly likely from the result of a lightning storm.
    ( It seems lightning likes to follow the RS232 cable into the machine and it is a pretty common repair for FANUC )

    It ended up being a pretty quick repair. ( 1.5 hours )
    Except for the fact there was 7 hours of round trip driving for them to get to my shop.

    I could have pulled the board myself and sent it in for repair but that would have actually cost more than the service call. ( $1700.00 )

    I would of had 7 -10 days of down time, and I would of had to reload all my parameters and settings after I received the repaired board.

    So to sum it all up, my advice to anyone would be, when you are not using your RS232 port, unhook it from the machine.
    It is just another avenue for lighting or stray voltage to get into your machine.

    Thanks to all those that helped.
    Ecspecially Dan Fritz ( I appreciate it )


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Often the IC's used are the common 1488 & 1489, they run around $3.00 ea. I usually put sockets in when replacing them.
    Another thing that is worth noting that often problems occur when using a laptop or PC from an AC outlet adjacent to the Machine, there may can be a difference in ground potential that can cause possible problems.
    I usually recommend using or setting up an outlet fed from the machine 120v and machine common ground point in the enclosure.
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hi friends Good Morning,

    I am trying to communicate my lathe with fanuc 10T controls to PC.using winpcin software.Iam able to send programmes from cnc to pc but cannot communicate the other way ie from pc to cnc. iam getting an alarm SR590 TH ERROR.kindly can anyone help me to correct the problem.
    Thanks and Regards,

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Fanuc 11M RS232

    Dear all
    for rs232 issue on fanuc 10/11/12 system, i face some problem related to DR and CD signal on my fanuc 10 ma system
    main board is A16B-1010-0040 ,
    problem ---when i read or punch fanuc show DR off(2) ...that means dr signal not received by fanuc system when i read or punch on pin number 18 of honda 20 pin connector (cd1) same as pin 6 of
    25 pin d type connector ....
    solution -- first i check cable 25 pin to 9 pin and find everything is ok
    now i change chip on main board 1488 and 1489 and check again but no change alsrm CD OFF (2) remain same...
    that means my cable and ic both are ok ...
    now i remove main board and check that there is some issue in SSU 01 A chip (big square chip) on main board
    i replace that chip and my DR OFF (2) alarm now no showing when i read or punch

    now i came to other problem
    problem ---CD off(2) alarm show when i read or punch

    again i check motherboard

    solution---i found that cd1 20 pin honda connector pin 16 (CD) is not connected to 1489 pin number 13
    thats why cd off alarm shwo when i read or punch....
    now i make jumper between ic pin and cd1 connector

    after that everything is work fine and now i can receive and transmitt data


    this machine dt have tape mode and i am thinking to start tape mode on this machine but plc is in eprom and i think this is very hard to do tape mode

    but if some one need help for problem like me above is perfect solution



    solution ----i set transmitt setting delay between two line to 100 milisecond

    problem solved

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