We are recently purchased the used Bridgeport Interact 316 Machine with
Fanuc 0 - mate F system.
System : A02B - 0100 - B501
Year 1989 / 07

While switching ON we are getting Display as
PMC Load select
(1) Load from I/O
(3) Run
(4) Run without PMC
Push 1 - 4 key

If we are selecting 1 CRT shows
PMC Loading
Address : 0000H
Data : 00H
and Just Hanging

If we are selecting 2 Display just flickering and no response

If we are selecting 4

We are getting all displays (position, parameter. DGN, Wear etc.) and we can edit the parameters.
But Nc Ready out put is not commimng & mode is not changing it is always in automode.

We are not having the Electrical Drawing & Ladder diagram to diagnose the fault.

Any body came accross the above problem pl. mail me the solution.
If any body having the Ladder & Electric diagram for the above machine Pl. mail to me. I expecting your co operation