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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Mach3 autozero issues after loading GCode

    Hey guys,

    I have a Chinese X6-1500gt and I am having issues with the autozero function. I have it set up that it wll go to my zero block, touch, then retract. It zeros well and it is accurate. The issue arrises when I load a code to mill. When I do this all the axis of my machine go to different coordinates. These coordinates change from piece to piece that I load into mach3. Then after I load the piece and try to use the zero tool again it will do one of two things. It will either plunge down in a feed rate much faster than it is supposed to use. It will disregard the touch plate signal when the tool touches it and keep going. Or the other thing it will do is just not move down at all in the Z axis if I hit zero again. But if I touch the probe to the z plate it will zero the piece and start retracting the z axis like it is supposed to. Am I doing something wrong here? I am using vectric vcarce and aspire to make my parts that I am going to cut out. Mach3 is my program that I upload my gcode in to make the parts. I am just confused on to why the machine will work great without issues when I first load up mach3. But after I load my gcode the script or the zero tool will not work correctly. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Mach3 autozero issues after loading GCode

    You MAY be mixing absolute/machine and job coordinates. Some CAD programs issue a command to switch to one sort - pity if you have just calibrated your machine with the other sort. OR, maybe, you are mixing inches and millimetres. That could be worse.


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