
A 6wire unipolar stepper + 5 axis breakout board + TB6560 single driver what I like to connect together (the 5 axis and TB6560 I bought on ebay, and the motor is unknown).

Is it correct connection:
TB6560 driver and 5 axis breakout: -CLK to GND. -CW to GND, -EN to GND, +CLK to XS, +CW to XD, +EN to XE

And the motor:
black-brown, black-yellow 6ohm; yellow-brown 12ohm
blue-red, blue-green 6ohm; green-red 12ohm

If I'm testing the motor with +power to the black and blue.
And -power to the brown, green, yellow, red then the motor stepping one-way.

But If I try to give power : +A brown to -A yellow, +B green to -B red then the motor just step 1 forward and 1 back or sometimes just maybe half step. And it's doesn't matter if I change the wires + to -.
Is it normal or I'm doing something wrong here?

Thanks for trying to help and sorry for my English.