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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    changing computers problem,

    Hi all,
    My old laptop just gave up and I will now connect my 2002 VF1 to my newer desktop computer. I had the laptop networked to the machine via Ethernet for the last 12months or so without a hitch, Below is the post I used to get it configured,

    The problem I'm having is that with all the settings the same I can't get my machine to access the programs file on my computer. I am showing a connection but that's it.

    I'm wondering if I may be missing something simple? My new computer was once part of a network. Could that have something to do with it.

    Thanks for your help.
    Frog Man

    Here is how to set up a network connection between your Laptop and the VF1:

    1 . Setting up your laptop ( I am going to explain with win xp , Millenium is exactly the same but some of the icons are in slightly different places )

    when you go to the Control panel if it says pick a category and has a blue screen. up the top left click switch to classic view
    I hope this makes sense I would suggest print this off and just follow it step by step if your not computer literate don't bother reading it because it will probably sound confusing

    Press start then controle pannel and then double click on user accounts. and Create a new account

    Type in the name of the new account HAAS make sure HAAS is in capital letters, because the default on the machine is capital letters. Then press NEXT.

    Pick an account type click COMPUTER ADMINISTRATOR. Then click CREATE ACCOUNT. You will now see the new account and you have to give it a password.

    click on the HAAS account click on CREATE PASSWORD type in HAAS as the password MAKE SURE IT IS IN CAPITAL LETTERS confirm password HAAS again and in hint it doesn't matter what you put in here

    put in HAAS click ok and x the account window

    That's that bit done.

    You should be still in the control panel and should see NETWORK CONNECTIONS on the next line up DOUBLE CLICK ON IT.

    you should see LOCAL AREA CONNECTION double click on it scroll down till you see PROTOCOL TCP/IP Double Click on it.


    and click ok. The laptop might want to restart click cancel or later.

    Nearly there, you should be still in the control panel on the bottom line you should see SYSTEM Double click on it, COMPUTER NAME click CHANGE type in in Capital letters in COMPUTER NAME type

    in LAPTOP and in WORKGROUP type in DOMAIN click ok, you have to let the laptop restart this time.When it starts up again go to your c drive and create a folder called programs right click on the folder click

    shearing then click share this folder on the network and allow network users to change my files click apply and then ok. stick a few files into the folder and that's it

    At last to the machine ( I'm typing this from memory so I will probably get some of the headings in the VF1 wrong but should be close enough )

    IP subnet gateway User name HAAS password HAAS Server Name LAPTOP Directory PROGRAMS ( workgroup or Domain) DOMAIN

    DNS SERVER stick in a crossover lead into laptop and machine and restart the HAAS and happy days

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Nearly there, you should be still in the control panel on the bottom line you should see SYSTEM Double click on it, COMPUTER NAME click CHANGE type in in Capital letters in COMPUTER NAME type
    I'm not sure that the above quote is a completed instruction? As in "type what?"

    But if the general instructions got you going last time, then something minor may have changed. Are you using a router in your network? I think the gateway IP is that of your router, so maybe you'd need to open your router settings to see what it actually is using. Otherwise, leave the default gateway blank. Worth a shot anyway.

    It is probably a good idea to power down both the Haas and the laptop after changing any network settings so that they can both start fresh.
    First you get good, then you get fast. Then grouchiness sets in.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Thanks HuFlungDung,

    No Router, Just machine to computer.
    I'm out of the shop right now and will tackle this in the morning.

    I think the "Type" quote continues onto the next line,

    Thanks for your input,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Sorry I posted the same reply twice,,

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