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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Mastercam > Problems with highlighting lines
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Problems with highlighting lines

    Running X3 and at times when I am chaining or going to select lines to delete the line that I am choosing will not highlight. I can still select the line and delete or chain it it will not change color. Happens on both of our computers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Try changing "select color" in Configuration's System color page.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Yeah my auto highlight does that as well. Happens in the middle of a job with no warning or reason why, and before it was working perfect. To get it back I save the drawing, open a new file and then open the drawing again. Nothing else seems to change it back. Glad it's not just me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Likely a memory issue.... in the Graphics card or system. Avoid running other software and clean up Windows task manager. In X3 you can also adjust the RAM setting some. Another thing to try is slow down the hardware acceleration setting for windows.

    .... Or ,,, need to get that PO out for a smoking hot PC..
    It's just a part..... cutter still goes round and round....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Its a mastercam issue. It happens to me all the time and it is very annoying. My hardware is Dell M6400 ISV certified, it runs Solidworks flawlessly so I doubt its the machine. I am so sick and tired of MCAM, the only reason we still have it is the sluggish economy, when things get better...........

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I think you'll find that these were "bugs"
    there were a series of graphics problems with entity recognition, phantom lines remaining after deleting... blah, blah

    1st release of X3 was not a good one, and updates followed very quickly

    X3 was not around a long time, just to show how "infested" it was.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2007
    It irks me that these Sofware developers put out updates without doing enough testing to ensure they work properly. Then they hastely put out an update to fix the issue. What with the prices they charge the stuff should work flawlessly, and not require a maintenance plan for on going support. They just seem like vacuums for your $$$.
    We all live in Tents! Some live in content others live in discontent.

  8. #8
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Boots View Post
    It irks me that these Sofware developers put out updates without doing enough testing to ensure they work properly. Then they hastely put out an update to fix the issue. What with the prices they charge the stuff should work flawlessly, and not require a maintenance plan for on going support. They just seem like vacuums for your $$$.
    You are not the only person PO'd at them. Our maint ran out just prior to the X3 maint. update. MasterCrap philosphy: ship a buggy product so the buyer has to buy maint. Ship a product that has layers of nonsense and check boxes that are not needed for 75% of the programming so you have to call your local rep that does not feel inclined to help unless your maint. agreement is current. Guess what, I will only recommend MasterCrap to my competitors and when things pick up we are changing to another CAM company.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I have used Alphacam from "Planit" for the last 4 years with pretty good luck. I used Mastercrap (as you call it) before that and didn't really like it.
    We all live in Tents! Some live in content others live in discontent.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    So would this explain the reason for Mastercam "hanging up" when I'm trimming surfaces. Sometimes I can go make a brew, come back and it's still not completed it's task. A couple of times I've had to turn the PC off by holding my finger on the "on" switch as nothing works at all. Also sometimes filleting surfaces, it doesn't even complete the task at all. I very often get a message saying "no fillets found". Was wondering if I was doing something wrong or is it bugs in the system.

  11. #11
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stevieboy View Post
    So would this explain the reason for Mastercam "hanging up" when I'm trimming surfaces. Sometimes I can go make a brew, come back and it's still not completed it's task. A couple of times I've had to turn the PC off by holding my finger on the "on" switch as nothing works at all. Also sometimes filleting surfaces, it doesn't even complete the task at all. I very often get a message saying "no fillets found". Was wondering if I was doing something wrong or is it bugs in the system.
    That might be a "slow" computer, that type of operation is mathematically intensive so it would take a long time to process. They don't have any prompt screens to let you know its going to take a half hour to finish. Mine has ran a couple of hours calculating a surface toolpath, nothing you can do about that its the nature of CAM / Graphics software. I use photoview 360 and takes upto an hour some times to generate a photo realistic view of the part, at least they have a status bar indicating the progress so you know its not locked up. Bottom line is sloppy and lacking discipline programming.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Boots View Post
    I have used Alphacam from "Planit" for the last 4 years with pretty good luck. I used Mastercrap (as you call it) before that and didn't really like it.
    I am pretty sure the change will be to SolidCam, the change will be a SolidWorks plug-in and that is 100% for sure. The field of plug-in providers is pretty light, not all of the Vendors such as Delcam or Feature cam have that option yet. Most of the players have poor toolpath algorithims and they really don't understand cutting dynamics. SolidCam does have a very good understanding of cutting, its hard to make a decision because MasterCrap was around $17,000 not to mention the lost time, frustration and scrap parts. I hate to spend that much again and be saddened deeply. The big negative with SolidCam is they seem to follow the MasterCrap philosphy of buy maintenance, pay for the post and some other little things. They reminded me of MasterCrap so much I decided to hold off on the purchase in hopes of another major player offering a SolidWorks plug in, I cannot recover from the bad investments like we did a few years ago so buying is a very delicate issue.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Hmmm, perhaps the old Dell dimension E520 needs to be replaced with something better. I have an old server that I could rebuild into something good. Are there any websites like this but for computer nerds that I could go to for some sound advice.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stevieboy View Post
    Hmmm, perhaps the old Dell dimension E520 needs to be replaced with something better. I have an old server that I could rebuild into something good. Are there any websites like this but for computer nerds that I could go to for some sound advice.
    If you are running 4gb of ram and at least 2 ghz processor, their is not a whole lot more you can do. A whimpy video card will but the brakes on pretty hard, the Nividia's do a good job it you get one with alot of memory.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    OK Guys....

    Point 1: "Im running X3 and there's a problem". OK that's probably why they have X4 now and will have X5 soon.

    Point 2: "It doesn't run right on my PC. It's full of bugs."

    I've installed Mastercam 3 identical PC. Computers all purchased at the same time from the same supplier (dell). Mastercam was eratic on one of them. So is Mastercam or is it the motherboard, or is it the graphics card, or is it the memory, or is it the last update of Windows. I'm not saying the software is perfect. But all software has bugs and software as full featured as Mastercam is bound to have bugs. People have said "xyzCam always works good". OK, and it has 5% of the features Mastercam has.

    I've never had a problem in Mastercam that there wasn't a work around for. I was always able to get the job done. I cant say that about a LOT of other software's I've used.

    And by the way Mastercam was the LAST Cam program to charge for maintenance. Prior to X, you only purchased an update when it came out every 2 years. It was the rest of the Cam programs that started that maintenance trend.

    When I used to sell Mastercam, I would have customers call and say, "I saw a demo of XYZCam it had this great feature. When is Mastercam going to do that?". 90% of the time the answer was "Mastercam added that feature 3 years ago. You should come for a training class". To which they would reply "I don't have time for that". No matter whose software you buy, you'll have to learn how to use it properly. Mastercam has more 3rd party training materials than any other cam software, period.

    I don't doubt that you've had some problems and I'm sure you've found some bugs. But if you think the other products are better and bug free, you might be surprised what they don't do. Things that your going to miss from your Mastercam system.

    Mike Mattera
    Tips For Manufacturing Training CD's, DVD's for Mastercam, SolidWorks, Inventor, G-Code Training & More

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Mike's right. If Mastercam was no good, why is there so many people around the world using it. For me, I just need the time to learn, and perhaps a better PC.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stevieboy View Post
    Mike's right. If Mastercam was no good, why is there so many people around the world using it. For me, I just need the time to learn, and perhaps a better PC.
    1.They don't know any better
    2.Some one had purchased the software prior to their employment and have no other option
    3.Its hard to toss out such a large investment, unless you are in the automotive industry.
    4. From what I have read on this forum and made inferences from the content of the posts ONLY A HANDFULL ON HERE have actually paid for it and own a dongle/network key.
    5. As a poster from across the ocean said, he feels it his right that rich americans give him technology to use for free because his country is poor. They cannot be that poor, the CNC they are using must have been paid for and NOT STOLEN over the internet, so......

    Do I need to continue, not.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Mike, when buying the Dell's make sure they are ISV certified. The low end ones are pretty light and are just good for office and internet applications. The bios and drivers make the system stable along with qualified silicon.

    The biggest problem with MasterCrap is quality control, they do not understand that. Years ago I used to write code that used OpenGl api and C/C++ and even assembly for the X86 and Motorola architecture. Things have not changed just alot more complex. MasterCrap is written for techs that like to play around all day searching for a check box that will make the toolpath correctly. After spending hours reading and "playing" you say,"why".

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    "Do I need to continue, not. "

    Apparently you did need to continue.

    All I know is 60-70% of the tech support calls I received, to report a "bug" were because the customer was using it wrong.

    When it was a bug, there was always an alternative way to do the job.

    Mike Mattera
    Tips For Manufacturing Training CD's, DVD's for Mastercam, SolidWorks, Inventor, G-Code Training & More

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