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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Unhappy TB6560 driver x VFD

    I have a chinese TB6560 driver board and would like to control my VFD (turn the spindle on/off and change its speed) by software. The board has a spindle control/relay but the "manual" has no information on how to use it.

    I've contacted the seller, but, he couldn't even understand the question

    Have you ever used this function or know how to do it?
    What would you suggest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Do you have one of the blue, 4-axis or 3-axis boards?

    In the first post of the thread at http://www.cnczone.com/forums/genera...y_chinese.html, there is an attached file named schematic_controller_TB6560.zip‎ that contains schematic diagrams for a 4-axis board (you should double check to make sure that your board is wired in the same way as the OP's board). If you unzip that file and look at Slide01.JPG, Slide02.JPG, and Slide03.JPG, you can trace out the wiring for the spindle relay control.

    It looks like pin 2 of the DB-25 connector is used for spindle control. I'm not sure from the schematic whether that pin is "active high" or "active low", but it should be easy enough to test. A "high" (+5 volt) signal on that pin will probably energize the relay "RLY61", but if not, then a "low" (0 volt) signal on that pin should do the trick. The spindle relay input line should also be present at pin 10 of the DB-15 accessory connector (but if you want to control the spindle from Mach3 or other software, then you would probably use the DB-25 input instead of the DB-15 input).

    It looks like 2 relay contact pins are taken to an output connector on the board (the 4-pin green connector on the edge of the board, close to the black relay). The other two pins of that connector are supposedly connected to ground. I do not know what the relay output contact current or voltage rating is (but maybe that is printed on the relay itself).

    As far as I know, the blue Chinese TB6560 driver boards do not have the capability of putting out a variable control voltage to set the VFD spindle speed. Some other drivers (such as the Geckodrive G540_ have a 0 - 10 volt analog output for that purpose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Thanks, doorknob!

    Mine is 5axis blue one, very similar to lasik2025's one.
    I´ve just downloaded the file and will study the schematics before trying something. Thank you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    Quote Originally Posted by doorknob View Post
    Do you have one of the blue, 4-axis or 3-axis boards?

    In the first post of the thread at http://www.cnczone.com/forums/genera...y_chinese.html, there is an attached file named schematic_controller_TB6560.zip‎ that contains schematic diagrams for a 4-axis board (you should double check to make sure that your board is wired in the same way as the OP's board). If you unzip that file and look at Slide01.JPG, Slide02.JPG, and Slide03.JPG, you can trace out the wiring for the spindle relay control.

    It looks like pin 2 of the DB-25 connector is used for spindle control. I'm not sure from the schematic whether that pin is "active high" or "active low", but it should be easy enough to test. A "high" (+5 volt) signal on that pin will probably energize the relay "RLY61", but if not, then a "low" (0 volt) signal on that pin should do the trick. The spindle relay input line should also be present at pin 10 of the DB-15 accessory connector (but if you want to control the spindle from Mach3 or other software, then you would probably use the DB-25 input instead of the DB-15 input).

    It looks like 2 relay contact pins are taken to an output connector on the board (the 4-pin green connector on the edge of the board, close to the black relay). The other two pins of that connector are supposedly connected to ground. I do not know what the relay output contact current or voltage rating is (but maybe that is printed on the relay itself).

    As far as I know, the blue Chinese TB6560 driver boards do not have the capability of putting out a variable control voltage to set the VFD spindle speed. Some other drivers (such as the Geckodrive G540_ have a 0 - 10 volt analog output for that purpose.
    My 4 Axis TB6560 board has a relay rating of 36V 7.5A !! is that any close to operate a 1.5KW Chinese spindle?!! please let me know

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    No, it is not rated to directly switch that big an electrical load.

    However your spindle is probably designed to be driven by a VFD which would typically be powered off of a 220 volt AC line, and it is possible that the VFD may have a lower-voltage, lower-current spindle on/off control input that you could control with that relay (but you would need to verify that by checking the manual for the VFD).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    Very True, and i have already tried to find any information on that in the VFD manual but could not! the whole 66 pages of the manual listed the word relay only one time!
    here is its link www.jinlantrade.com/ebay/invertermanual.pdf
    I really dont want to risk damaging that board for such not necessary thing, but would be good to use it
    Thanks for your reply

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    I'm not certain, but it is possible that the Forward Run input can be switched by a relay, where connecting that terminal to ground turns the spindle on, however that is just a guess.

    That operation may be affected by the setting of some internal control values, but it may also be the default configuration.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    Yes that is also very true and I know how to do that as well as the settings needed in the VFD, I am just uncertain with the voltage/amps ratings of the board, would it be ok or not?
    I believe since it is connected to a VFD not directly to a router it should be perfectly fine and can work with any VFD no matter how power demanding the spindle requires, correct me
    thank again

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD


    There are many ways to make the VFD run the manual you have is very good, make sure you have the main Parameters set as these drives are not tolerant of incorrect settings

    Huanyang Mactec54
    PD000=0 for Parameter unlock ( 1 ) for Parameter Lock
    PD001=0 (1 For Remote Control)
    PD011=120 (Minimum Setting 120)
    PD13= 08 is for Factory reset, Only use this to set VFD to Factory Default Settings
    PD014 Accel=12 ( Adjust to suit)
    PD015 Deccl=12 (Adjust to suit) ( PD15 is ignored IF PD26=1 Then the Spindle will Coast to a Stop)
    PD141=220 ( Motor Rated Voltage )
    PD142=9 ( Motor Max Amps) (Set for your motor Amp Rating 2.2Kw Spindle 9 amp Max)
    (Set for your motor Amp Rating 1.5Kw Spindle 7 amp Max)
    PD143=2 ( Motor Number of Poles)
    PD144=3000 (Max Motor RPM) =3,000= (24,000)

    This is one way to get it running

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    Thank you mactec54 very much

    but like i mentioned, my missing information is about the relay requirements., i just want to make sure that the 36v, 7.5A is safe enough to use with the VFD
    i have no idea what the VFD control requires for this

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    Quote Originally Posted by Graphicman View Post
    Thank you mactec54 very much

    but like i mentioned, my missing information is about the relay requirements., i just want to make sure that the 36v, 7.5A is safe enough to use with the VFD
    i have no idea what the VFD control requires for this

    No that would not be good to use 36V for switching the VFD on, Not at anytime, the voltage for this type of switching is supplied by the VFD so your relay should only be working like a switch, with no voltage on it's outputs

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    Thanks but i am still confused
    here is a link for the driver manual

    on the first page there is the only line for the relay
    it syas it is up to 36v 7.5A max

    please let me know i feel it should work with the vfd!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD


    As I said that could never be use for a VFD, see if you can turn the Relay on from Mach, & measure what the voltage is across the 2 contacts/screws

    If voltage was used as part of the control circuit for a VFD it would never be over 24V DC

    The above connection I gave you will only turn the VFD on, You will need to have PWM to control the speed which you would need a separate Breakout Board for as your Breakout Board doesn't support this

    The Breakout Board in the Photo is one of many that will do this, CNC4PC have some well thought out Boards though

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    The TB6560 board that I have has relay contact output pins that are either open or connected to ground.

    The DCM terminal in the image that mactec54 appended (from the manual) is shown elsewhere in the manual as being connected to ground.

    So you should be able to use those relay contacts to do the switching that mactec54 described. Just make sure that you determine which of the relay output pins is directly connected to ground and which one is the switched terminal (so that you can wire it up to the VFD correctly).

    While I have not found an explicit statement of how much voltage and current would be switched, typically a control input such as that one would involve a relatively low voltage and low current.

    So if it were my system, I would hook it up and not be concerned about exceeding the relay's contact ratings.

    But to be completely certain, you could use a multimeter to measure the voltage to ground from that input terminal, and you could also use the multimeter (in current-measuring mode, inline) to short that pin to ground and read the actual current that is drawn.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD


    As you have the same Breakout Board,do you have any voltage on the output of the Relay?? or is it just working like a switch N0/NC when activated, Graphicman is saying that he has 36Vs 7.5a coming from that relay, if this is the case it can not be used for the VFD control

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    My interpretation of the 36V/7.5A was that those were maximum ratings of the relay contacts, and not that the relay was supplying those values.

    The relay on my board simply has "dry" contacts that are either open or connect to ground.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    Thank you guys for this
    I am very sorry if i miss write this before,but the manual says:

    "Relay spindle interface - Outputs Max. 36V 7.5A for spindle motors or coolant pump (only one device can be powered by this output!)"

    this is the only line in the manual that is related to the relay

    so what would that mean?
    I will measure with my multimeter the volts coming out anyways active high/low without connecting but which pins should i measure anyways?
    there is 4 pins coming out of the board for the spindle relay, and this is another issue, i am not an electric engineer and hence i am asking u guys here.
    now you know both the VFD and the board i am using, I have connected everything on this board so far from motors to e stop and proximity sensors but the only thing is missing now is the VFD on/off connection
    i simply dont know which pins to use, but i believe the board is configured properly on mach3 as i can hear the relay ticking every time when i hit f5

    hope a final solution this time

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    It will be necessary for you to probe with the multimeter to find which of the green terminals belong to the relay output pins. Check for low resistance to ground with Mach3 showing spindle on, and high resistance to ground with Mach3 showing spindle off.

    Do you have a friend who has more electronics experience than you do? If so, he should be able to help you identify the proper terminals.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    If I had that friend i would not be ended up asking here
    I know how to use a multimeter but i will need a more simple instructions for how to do it

    but basically would the right terminals be volt/amp safe for the vfd or not?
    if not then i see no point to know which terminals to use

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: TB6560 driver x VFD

    It is difficult for me to write instructions that are more simple than what I wrote previously.

    I think that it should be safe to control the VFD with the relay terminals.

    But you will have to figure out which of the green pins are being switched by the relay. To do that, you will need to use the multimeter on the low ohms scale. Look on the bottom of the circuit board and you should be able to see the circuit "traces" that go from the relay pins to the green terminals. Then measure the resistance between the terminals that are connected to the relay pins and ground, to find a terminal that has a low resistance to ground when Mach3 says spindle on, and a high resistance to ground when Mach3 says spindle off. Connect that terminal to the VFD input (that switches the spindle on and off), and connect ground to the VFD ground terminal.

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