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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Servo Motors / Drives > Thermood Cartesian 5 - Baldor Servo Motors Replacements
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  1. #1

    Thermood Cartesian 5 - Baldor Servo Motors Replacements


    We have a Thermood Cartesian 5 CNC Router which has 3 Baldor motors for moving the head and motors, and one for the router drill.
    These motors have stopped working they just drive them selves without any input form the user at the PC. We had one spare motor so we are running on limp at the moment.

    That motor now has packed up. and we cant get replacements anywhere. Does anyone know where I could source some or any other different type of motor that can be retro fitted or something. We are desperate, production is on a stop and we cant afford this down time

    The motor is a :

    Baldor MT-4090-FL-5A

    MGF Code: 37/38 21401


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Thermood Cartesian 5 - Baldor Servo Motors Replacements

    are you sure it is a motor problem and not drive or control problem?

    in any case, you can ask machine retrofitters such as us for help; I guarantee I can replace that stuff with new state of the art stuff.

  3. #3
    pretty sure its the motors, as we had 1 spare and tried it on the one thats nackered and its worked fine. But now that the motor for the router that mooves it up and down has broken we are stuck.


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